14. Installing DB2 Version 8.2 on Ubuntu 5.0.4

Before proceeding, please ensure that you have read Section 3 and Section 4.

Note that IBM does not officially support this distribution for DB2 UDB V8.2. Any problems you encounter using this distribution must be replicated on a supported distribution before IBM Support will help you resolve the issue.

These notes are based on a single-partition installation on the Ubuntu 5.0.4. As Ubuntu uses .deb packages, we use the alien package conversion utility to convert and install the DB2 RPM packages directly.

14.1. Pre-installation notes

Ensure that you have installed alien:
apt-get alien
If you want to run a multiple-partition environment, you will need to emerge either the pdksh or ksh package.

14.2. Installation notes

To install the product into the /opt/IBM/db2/V8.1/ directory, change to the db2/linux/ directory of the CD or the extracted tarball and issue the following command as root:
alien -d -i -c *.rpm

14.3. Post-installation notes

Now that you have installed DB2, you need to create the groups, users, DB2 Administration Server instance, and database instance for your database. The following instructions create users and groups with the default names used in the DB2 documentation (dasadm1, db2inst1, db2fenc1).

  1. As root, create the required groups:
    groupadd -g 999 db2iadm1
    groupadd -g 998 db2fadm1
    groupadd -g 997 dasadm1

  2. As root, create the required users and assign them to their corresponding groups:
    useradd -u 1004 -g db2iadm1 -m -d /home/db2inst1 db2inst1 
    useradd -u 1003 -g db2fadm1 -m -d /home/db2fenc1 db2fenc1 
    useradd -u 1002 -g dasadm1 -m -d /home/dasusr1 dasusr1

  3. Create the DB2 Administration Server:
    /opt/IBM/db2/V8.1/instance/dascrt -u dasadm1

    Create the DB2 database instance:
    /opt/IBM/db2/V8.1/instance/db2icrt -a server -u db2fenc1 db2inst1 

14.3.1. Enabling remote connections

When you perform a manual install of DB2, the installer does not automatically set up the communication protocols for your DB2 server. To enable connections to your DB2 server from remote clients, perform the following steps:

  1. Set the port on which DB2 should communicate. Ensure that you select a port that is not blocked by a firewall or used by another service defined in the /etc/services file. To set the communications port, update the DB2 database manager configuration variable SVCENAME. For example, to set the communications port to 50055, issue the following command as the instance user ("db2inst1", if you've been using the defaults):
    db2 update dbm cfg using svcename 50055

  2. Set the DB2 communications protocol registry variable to define the protocol supported by the server. Typically the only protocol you would use is TCP/IP, so issue the following command as the instance user ("db2inst1" if you've been using the defaults):
    db2set DB2COMM=tcpip

  3. Restart the database instance to enable the settings to take effect.

You should now be able to catalog and connect to your Ubuntu server from a remote client.

14.3.2. Running the DB2 Control Center and other DB2 GUI tools

To run the DB2 Control Center or other DB2 GUI tools, you must install the IBM Software Developers' Kit for Java. This RPM is included in the DB2 install CD-ROM in the /db2/linux/Java-1.4/ directory. To install the IBM Software Developers' Kit for Java, change to the root directory of the CD-ROM and issue the following command as root:
alien -d -i -c db2/linux/Java-1.4/IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.1-2.0.i386.rpm

Log in as the db2inst1 and invoke the DB2 Control Center:

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