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Ensure that your system meets the installation, memory, and disk requirements outlined in Section 3.
Review the installation considerations for IBM Developer Kit for Java 1.4.1.
You require root authority to perform the installation.
The DB2 UDB Setup wizard is a graphical installer. You must have X Window System software capable of rendering a graphical user interface for the DB2 UDB Setup wizard to run on your machine.
For 2.6 kernels, ensure that Asynchronous I/O (AIO) has been installed. To use AIO you must install libaio-0.3.96 or later, and have a kernel that supports AIO. AIO can be enabled and disabled at run time by issuing the db2set command. To enable AIO for DB2 UDB after installation, execute the command db2set DB2LINUXAIO=true and restart DB2 UDB.
For additional 2.6 kernel performance enhancements, see DB2 UDB and the 2.6 kernel.
Procedure. To install DB2 UDB ESE (single-partition):
Log on to the system as a user with root authority.
Enter the command to mount the DB2 UDB installation CD:
mount /mnt/cdrom |
Change to the /mnt/cdrom directory.
Run the db2setup command.
When the IBM DB2 UDB Launchpad opens, select Install Products.
Select the DB2 UDB Enterprise Server Edition button on the next window. Click
. The DB2 Information Management Software splash screen will appear as the DB2 UDB installer prepares your system for the installation of DB2 UDB.When the Welcome to the DB2 Setup Wizard window appears, click
.On the Software License Agreement window, read the license agreement and select the Accept button if you accept the terms (the Decline button is selected by default). Click Next.
On the Select the installation type window, select the kind of installation you want to perform. You have three installation options:
Typical: 370–480 MB. This option installs most of the DB2 UDB components, using a typical configuration with default values. This option includes all of the required features, ODBC support, and commonly used tools such as the Control Center. This option does not install the Application Development and Business Intelligence tools. If you want to install these tools, then you should choose the Custom installation type. You can select the View Features button to see what components get installed with this option.
Compact: 320–390 MB. This option installs only the basic DB2 UDB components, with minimal configuration performed on your computer. With this option you get server support, client support, and getting started functionality. The DB2 UDB Setup wizard creates an instance and customizes it to use the communication protocols that are detected on your system. Click the View Features button for more information.
Custom: 320–890 MB. This option allows you to install only those components that you select, and to create and customize an instance to use communication protocols that are detected on your system.
On the Select the installation action window, select the Install DB2 UDB Enterprise Server Edition on this computer check box. You can also choose to save your installations settings in a response file by selecting the Save your settings in a response file check box. You should choose this option if you plan to install DB2 UDB, with these same settings, on other computers in your environment.
Select the features you want installed on the Select the features to install window. You can preview each component by selecting it and reading the corresponding description in the Description section on the window. Once you have decided what features you want to install, click .
Select what languages you want installed on your computer on the Languages window. English is selected by default in the Selected languages section of the window. Click .
In the Specify the location of the DB2 Information Center window, select how you want to access the DB2 UDB Information Center. The DB2 UDB Information Center contains documentation for DB2 UDB and other related DB2 products. The button is selected by default. By choosing this option DB2 UDB is configured to access documentation on the Web using your browser. However, if you want to install a copy of the DB2 UDB Information Center on your local computer, then select the button (refer to the section on Installing the DB2 UDB Information Center in this HOWTO for more information). If you have a copy of the DB2 UDB Information Center installed elsewhere on an intranet server, you can choose the button to gain access to DB2 UDB documentation. Specify the values in the Host name and Port number text fields (the default value for the port number is 51000). Click the Help button for more information. Click .
Fill out the information for the user that will administer the Database Administration Server on the Set user information for the DB2 Administration Server window. Select either the button, or the button. The Password and Confirm password text boxes are outlined in red indicating required fields that must be filled in for the installation to continue. Click .
If you want to create a new DB2 UDB instance, then select the Set up a DB2 instance window. Otherwise, select the button. If you select this option, you will need to create a new instance after the installation by using the db2icrt command. Click for more information. Click .
button on theIf your installation is a single-partition installation, as in this example, select the Select how the instance will be used window. Choosing this option means that this instance will only reside on your local computer and will not be used in a partitioned environment. Click .
button on theFill out the information for the DB2 UDB instance owner on the Set user information for the DB2 instance owner window. Select either the button, or the button. The Password and Confirm password text boxes are outlined in red indicating required fields that must be filled in for the installation to continue. Click .
Fill out the information for the fenced user on the Set user information for the fenced user window. Select either the button, or the button. The Password and Confirm password text boxes are outlined in red indicating required fields that must be filled in for the installation to continue. For more information on fenced users, and how fenced users relate to fenced and non-fenced user-defined functions (UDFs) and stored procedures, click Help. Click Next.
Configure the DB2 UDB instance for TCP/IP communications on the Configure DB2 instance TCP/IP communication window. Either accept the default values found in the Service name and Port number fields, or select your own. If you choose to configure the instance at a later time, select the button. Click .
In the Set instance properties window, select an instance authentication type that will apply to all of the databases that are owned by the instance. There are three authentication types:
Server: this type specifies that authentication occurs on the server using the local operating system security.
Server Encrypt: this type specifies that the server accepts encrypted server authentication schemes.
Client: this type specifies that authentication occurs on the database partition where the application is invoked using operating system security.
On the Prepare the DB2 tools catalog window select the button if you plan on using the Task Center or scheduler. This option creates a database on your local computer that stores task metadata. If you do not have this repository, the scheduler will not function. If you want to create a DB2 UDB tools catalog after you finish the installation, select the button. You can create the DB2 UDB tools catalog manually by using the CREATE TOOLS CATALOG command. Click .
If you decide to create a DB2 UDB tools catalog, you can specify the required information for the local database on the Specify a local database to store the DB2 tools catalog window. You can specify which instance, which database, and which schema in which to store the DB2 UDB tools catalog. The DB2 UDB tools catalog will be placed in the home directory of the instance owner. Click
.Specify the administration contact list on the Set up the administration contact list window. This list stores administrator contact information that is used for notifying administrators if and when a database requires attention. Either create a new contact list that is stored locally, or use an existing global contact list that resides on a remote DB2 UDB server. If you check the button, your system will search for an available SMTP server and set it to be used for e-mail notifications. Click .
On the Specify a contact for health monitor notification window select the health monitor that will run on the DB2 UDB instance you are setting up. The DB2 UDB health monitor will send a notification e-mail to the person you specify in the Name and Email address fields, if and when a health indicator threshold is breached. You can choose to have this notified by a pager by selecting the Address is for a pager check box. Select the button if you want to specify health notification contacts later on. You can use the Task Center or the Control Center to create these contacts. Click .
Click Start copying files window to complete the installation. The Current settings section provides a summary of your installation and configuration settings.
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