7. Installing DB2 Version 8.2 on SuSE Linux Enterprise (SLES) 9

Before proceeding, please ensure that you have read Section 3 and Section 4.

SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 was released in August 2004 to great anticipation. It is currently the only Enterprise level Linux distribution certified by DB2 UDB that runs on the 2.6 kernel by default.

These notes are based on the 2.6.5-7 kernel (the SuSE Linux kernel update as of September 10, 2004), and installing a single-partition environment.

7.1. Pre-installation notes

  1. The pdksh package is installed in a default setup (required for multiple-partition and high availability installations)

  2. The IBMJava2-JRE-1.4.2 rpm package is also installed by default

  3. The kernel parameters (ipcs -l) before DB2 UDB installation:
            max number of segments:         4096
            max segsize:                    32768
            max number of arrays:           128
            max queues system wide:         16
            default max size of queue:      16384

  4. Asynchronous I/O package (libaio) is also installed by default.

7.2. Installation Notes

I received an error during start up of the db2setup utility:
line 131: 3474 Segmentation fault
    -cp $JAVA_CLASSPATH $DB2SetupRun "$@" 2>/tmp/db2setup.err.running
The solution here is to run
export LD_ASSUME_KERNEL="2.4.19"
from the terminal where you launched the db2setup utility, then run db2setup again. This change will only affect the Java installer, not the kernel performance.

7.3. Post-installation notes

The kernel parameters (ipcs -l) after installation look like:
        max number of segments:         4096
        max segsize:                    262144 (updated)
        max number of arrays:           1024 (updated)
        max queues system wide:         1024 (updated)
        default max size of queue:      16384

Initialize the Asynchronous I/O so DB2 UDB can take advantage of this new kernel feature. As the instance owner:

Optional: update the DB2 UDB JDK_PATH parameters so DB2 UDB uses SLES's installed Java 2 package. As the instance owner:

Surprisingly, my installation didn't have Mozilla installed by default. To have the DB2 UDB help display properly, Mozilla should be installed using YaST.

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