11. Installing DB2 Version 8.2 on Fedora Core 2

Before proceeding, please ensure that you have read Section 3 and Section 4.

Note that IBM does not officially support this distribution for DB2 UDB V8.2. Any problems you encounter using this distribution must be replicated on a supported distribution before IBM Support will help you resolve the issue.

Fedora Core 2 is a release of the Fedora Project (the Red-Hat-sponsored and community-supported open source project). The Fedora Project is a source for new technologies and enhancements that may be incorporated into Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) in the future.

These notes are based on both the default 2.6.5-1 and the update 2.6.8-1 kernels (the Fedora Core 2 kernel update on September 13, 2004 was 2.6.8-1), and installing to a single-partition environment.

11.1. Pre-installation notes

The kernel parameters (ipcs -l) before DB2 UDB installation:
	max number of segments:             4096
        max segsize:                        32768
        max number of arrays:               128
        max queues system wide:             16
        default max size of queue:          16384

The asynchronous I/O package (libaio) is also required to take advantage of the 2.6 kernel improvements. Install the libaio package from the Fedora Core CD.

11.2. Install Notes

The default 2.6.5 kernel had no installation issues with the db2setup GUI installer.

On the 2.6.8 kernel, however, I received an error when running the db2setup utility (the error may not display to the terminal; instead, if the db2setup command seems to fail without error, check the /tmp/db2setup.err file) :
JVMDG080: Cannot find class com/ibm/jvm/Trace
JVMXM012: Error occurred in diagnostics initialization(2)
Could not create the Java virtual machine.
The workaround for this error is to install Sun's Java 2 Platform Standard Edition 5.0 RC (Fedora Core 2 doesn't install a Java package by default). The rpm file is available from http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/download.jsp. After installing Java, set the environment variables in the terminal where you execute the db2setup utility:
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jre1.5.0/
/usr/java/jre1.5.0/ is the location where Java is installed by default in the rpm from Sun.

The last step to making this work – and this is very important – is to add in a link named "jre" in Sun's Java folder so that db2setup works properly with the directory:
cd /usr/java/jre1.5.0/
mkdir jre
cd jre
ln -s ../bin bin

After making these changes, the db2setup GUI installer works properly.

Alternatively, you can avoid the Java-based problems by installing on Fedora Core 2 using
./db2setup -r db2ese.rsp
where db2ese.rsp is a slightly modified response file (the sample response files are found in the "db2/linux/samples/ directory)

11.3. Post-installation notes

The kernel parameters (ipcs -l) after installation look like:
        max number of segments:         4096
        max segsize:                    262144 (updated)
        max number of arrays:           1024 (updated)
        max queues system wide:         1024 (updated)
        default max size of queue:      16384

Initialize the Asynchronous I/O so DB2 UDB can take advantage of this new kernel feature. As the instance owner, run:

For the GUI tools (DB2 UDB Control Center, DB2 UDB Configuration Assistant, DB2 UDB First Steps) to work properly under the 2.6.8-1 kernel, you'll need to tell DB2 UDB to use the Sun JRE. As the instance owner, execute these commands:
db2 UPDATE DBM CFG USING JDK_PATH /usr/java/jre1.5.0/
db2 UPDATE ADMIN CFG USING JDK_PATH /usr/java/jre1.5.0/
With that update, the DB2 UDB Java-based tools will work properly.

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