Chapter 3. Linux and HP products

Table of Contents
3.1. Informations on HP products and Linux
3.2. HP hardware supported by Linux
3.3. HP software and free software
3.4. Support of HP solutions under Linux
3.5. Training on HP Linux solutions
3.6. HP as an Open Source Software user and contributor

To maintain such a chapter is an endless task :-).

3.1. Informations on HP products and Linux

3.1.1. General information

HP became recently concious of the importance taken by Linux and free software in general, and on its machines particularly. Thus a web site dedicated to Linux in HP environment is now available at

In France, there is for a longer time a site on these themes, under the responsability of Jacques Misselis , hosted by l'�cole Centrale de Lyon at the address

On the other side, the firm Medasys for which I worked between 1996 and 2000, put at disposition of the community a certain number of information since 1997, available at This HOWTO is the result of this work.

HP also realised a synthesis document (PDF format) concerning his position in front of Linux, the White Paper HP Linux Strategy (1999-04).

HP is a member or sponsor of Linux International,Open Source Development Lab, and Linux Standard Base.

3.1.2. Particular announces

HP also communicates through its web site around Linux and free software. You'll find some links here.

HP France has also published an article on Linux and free software in its May 1999 issue of HP Computer News, an article on HP Linux support in the September 1999 issue, and an article on Linux RedHat solutions on HP Visualize workstation in the November 1999 issue.

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