LXXI. Mimetype Functions



This extension has been deprecated as the PECL extension fileinfo provides the same functionality (and more) in a much cleaner way.

The functions in this module try to guess the content type and encoding of a file by looking for certain magic byte sequences at specific positions within the file. While this is not a bullet proof approach the heuristics used do a very good job.

This extension is derived from Apache mod_mime_magic, which is itself based on the file command maintained by Ian F. Darwin. See the source code for further historic and copyright information.


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You must compile PHP with the configure switch --with-mime-magic to get support for mime-type functions. The extension needs a copy of the simplified magic file that is distributed with the Apache httpd.

Notatka: The configure option has been changed from --enable-mime-magic to --with-mime-magic since PHP 4.3.2

Notatka: This extension is not capable of handling the fully decorated magic file that generally comes with standard Linux distro's and is supposed to be used with recent versions of file command.

Note to Win32 Users: In order to use this module on a Windows environment, you must set the path to the bundled magic.mime file in your php.ini.

Przykład 1. Setting the path to magic.mime

mime_magic.magicfile = "$PHP_INSTALL_DIR\magic.mime"

Remember to substitute the $PHP_INSTALL_DIR for your actual path to PHP in the above example. e.g. c:\php

Konfiguracja czasu wykonywania

Na działanie tych funcji wpływają ustawienia zawarte w pliku php.ini.

Tabela 1. Mimetype configuration options

mime_magic.magicfile"/path/to/php/magic.mime"PHP_INI_SYSTEMAvailable since PHP 4.3.0.
Szczegóły i definicje dotyczące stałych PHP_INI_* znajdują się w rozdziale Dodatek H.

Typy zasobów

To rozszerzenie nie posiada żadnych rodzajów zasobów.

Stałe predefinopwane

To rozszerzenie nie posiada żadnych stałych.

Spis treści
mime_content_type -- Detect MIME Content-type for a file

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Generated: 2007-01-26 18:02:39