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//***************************************************************** // La licence de distribution est la GNU/GPL et vous devez inclure // le nom et le mel de l'auteur dans toutes les copies // Auteur : Al Dev Mel : alavoor@yahoo.com //***************************************************************** .SUFFIXES: .pc .cpp .c .o CC=gcc CXX=g++ MAKEMAKE=mm LIBRARY=libString.a DEST=/home/myname/lib # Pour construire la biblioth�que, et le programme de test principal, d�commenter la ligne suivante : #MYCFLAGS=-O -Wall # Pour tester sans avoir trace de d�bogage, d�commenter la ligne suivante : #MYCFLAGS=-g3 -Wall # Pour permettre un 'd�bogage complet', d�commenter la ligne suivante : MYCFLAGS=-g3 -DDEBUG -Wall #PURIFY=purify -best-effort SRCS=my_malloc.cpp String.cpp StringTokenizer.cpp debug.cpp example_String.cpp HDR=my_malloc.h String.h StringTokenizer.h debug.h OBJS=my_malloc.o String.o StringTokenizer.o debug.o example_String.o EXE=String # Pour g�n�rer les d�pendances du Makefile SHELL=/bin/sh CPPFLAGS=$(MYCFLAGS) $(OS_DEFINES) CFLAGS=$(MYCFLAGS) $(OS_DEFINES) # # Si libString.a se trouve dans le r�pertoire # courant, utilisez -L. (tiret L point) MYLIBDIR=-L$(MY_DIR)/libmy -L. ALLLDFLAGS= $(LDFLAGS) $(MYLIBDIR) COMMONLIBS=-lstdc++ -lm MYLIBS=-lString LIBS=$(COMMONLIBS) $(MYLIBS) all: $(LIBRARY) $(EXE) $(MAKEMAKE): @rm -f $(MAKEMAKE) $(PURIFY) $(CXX) -M $(INCLUDE) $(CPPFLAGS) *.cpp> $(MAKEMAKE) $(EXE): $(OBJS) @echo "Creating a executable " $(PURIFY) $(CC) -o $(EXE) $(OBJS) $(ALLLDFLAGS) $(LIBS) $(LIBRARY): $(OBJS) @echo "\n***********************************************" @echo " Loading $(LIBRARY) ... to $(DEST)" @echo "***********************************************" @ar cru $(LIBRARY) $(OBJS) @echo "\n " .cpp.o: $(SRCS) $(HDR) # @echo "Creating a object files from " $*.cpp " files " $(PURIFY) $(CXX) -c $(INCLUDE) $(CPPFLAGS) $*.cpp .c.o: $(SRCS) $(HDR) # @echo "Creating a object files from " $*.c " files " $(PURIFY) $(CC) -c $(INCLUDE) $(CFLAGS) $*.c clean: rm -f *.o *.log *~ *.log.old *.pid core err a.out lib*.a afiedt.buf rm -f $(EXE) rm -f $(MAKEMAKE) #%.d: %.c # @echo "Generating the dependency file *.d from *.c" # $(SHELL) -ec '$(CC) -M $(CPPFLAGS) $< | sed '\''s/$*.o/& $@/g'\''> $@' #%.d: %.cpp # @echo "Generating the dependency file *.d from *.cpp" # $(SHELL) -ec '$(CC) -M $(CPPFLAGS) $< | sed '\''s/$*.o/& $@/g'\''> $@' # Doit inclure tous les flags C pour l'option -M #$(MAKEMAKE): # @echo "Generating the dependency file *.d from *.cpp" # $(CXX) -M $(INCLUDE) $(CPPFLAGS) *.cpp> $(MAKEMAKE) include $(MAKEMAKE) #include $(SRCS:.cpp=.d) #include $(SRCS:.c=.d)
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Generated: 2007-01-26 18:01:30