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7. Administration

7.1 Nouvelles versions de ce document

Les nouvelles versions de ce document seront p�riodiquement post�es sur comp.os.linux.answers et Elles pourront �galement �tre t�l�charg�es sur de nombreux sites WWW et FTP, y compris la Page d'accueil LDP.

Les nouvelles versions de ce document seront p�riodiquement post�es sur et comp.os.linux.misc.

La derni�re version du HOWTO Quake Linux peut toujours �tre trouv�e sur les sites suivants:

7.2 Autres formats de ce Document

Ce document est disponible dans une grande vari�t� de formats diff�rents. Beaucoup plus que n�cessaire, en fait. Vous pouvez les trouver sur (NDT : en anglais! Mais la majorit� de ces versions (Texte, sgml, html et postscript) sont �galement disponibles en fran�ais sur votre miroir national pr�f�r� :-)).

7.3 Politique de Distribution

Copyright (c) 1998, Bob Zimbinski, Brett A. Thomas et Mike Hallock. Ce document peut �tre distribu� dans le respect des termes de la licence LDP disponible sur

Ce HOWTO est une documentation libre; vous pouvez le redistribuer et/ou le modifier sous les conditions de la licence LDP. Ce document est distribu� dans l'espoir d'�tre utile, mais sans aucune garantie; sans m�me la garantie implicite de qualit� loyale et marchande ou d'exactitude pour une usage particulier. Et puis zut, m�me si ce document tue votre chien, ce n'est pas de notre faute.

Reportez-vous � la licence LDP pour de plus amples d�tails.

7.4 Historique des r�visions

Les diff�rentes parties de ce document qui ont �t� modifi�es dans la derni�re r�vision ont un ** derri�re le titre de la section. Les parties modifi�es dans une r�vision ant�rieure � la derni�re en date sont identifiables par un ++.

Vous trouverez ci-dessous l'historique complet des r�visions de ce document. Non pas dans le but d'�tre utile � tous, mais aux auteurs de ce document (Ndt: en cons�quence de quoi il est en version originale).

 $Log: Quake-HOWTO.sgml,v $
 Revision  2003/01/03 02:38:54  traduc
 Ajout des HOWTO existants � l'archive.
 Revision 1998/10/05 19:54:17 bobz
 Removed the long-dead LinQuake page from list of Linux Quake sites
 Removed link
 Minor wording changes throughout
 Added link to svgalib libc5 binary
 Added info about q2 demo
 Updated q2 installation info for the 3.19 release
 moved section about 3.17 textfile problems to the troubleshooting section
 Added part about to QW section
 Added part about GLX client to QW section
 Added part about to Q2 section
 Added part about GLX client to Q2 section
 Updated "slower than windows" FAQ
 Removed obsolete TS tip about glibc & q2
 Removed obsolete TS tip about playing w/CD mounted
 Changed tip about running glquake with
 Added instructions for Q2 mission pack 2
 Added pointer to svgalib libc5 binary
 Added FAQ about svgalib modes in Q2
 Added Cheapo proxy to software section
 Added screen FAQ
 Added qgraph to software sectoin
 Decided I was lying when I promised a 3Dfx tweak section in the next update
 Revision 1998/09/02 01:35:18 bobz
 Fixed some broken url links
 Restored <author> tag
 added an acknowledgement
 added a reminder to the non-root tip
 added qlog listing
 Revision 1998/08/30 21:35:23 bobz
 Updated QuakeWorld install section for 2.30 release
 Updated QW file list
 Updated Quake 1.01 install info per email suggestion
 Added QW 2.30 caveat to "Glibc considerations" section
 Updated linux vs. windows speed section for new 3dfx miniport
 Added glqwcl versions FAQ
 Added troubleshooting tip about windows focus and glx
 Added a sentence about /dev/3dfx permissions
 Made runvc script usage clearer
 Added tip about using mini-driver with Quake & QuakeII
 Revision 1998/08/15 19:28:49 bobz
 Added glibc topic in Troubleshooting/FAQ section
 Moved non-setuid info to Tips & Tricks section
 Moved rcs log into Revision Hist section
 Changed distribution info a little until LDP wakes up
 Changed references to to
 Added to list of places to get current version
 Changed 3dfx Howto pointer
 Moved explanation of change markings (** and ++) to intro section where
they'll be noticed
 Mentioned zoid's GL driver port in the Win vs Linux FAQ
 Fixed credit and URL in q2getty
 Revision 1998/08/07 19:07:02 bobz
 Changed XQF url
 Added comments to the revision history section
 Started marking changed sections
 Added OS Considerations to troubleshooting section
 Added rcon to Other Software section
 Added ICE to Other Software section
 Revision 1998/08/04 21:06:22 bobz
 Updated Acknowledgements
 Added discussion of Quake security
 Added QIPX to "Related Software"
 Added ts topic about -noudp
 Revision 1998/08/03 22:09:28 bobz
 Updated and restructured the q2 mods section
 Minor change to gpm troubleshooting info
 Changed sound ts info
 Changed intellimouse ts info
 Revision 1998/08/03 04:55:21 mikeh
 Added "Playing" section of Q2 Mods & Addons section.
 Added "Intelimouse" section of Troubleshooting section
 Added RedHat sndconfig part to Troubleshooting section
 Fixed a few spacing problems, and one error message
 Revision 1998/08/03 02:01:13 bobz
 Changed abstract.
 Revision 1998/07/31 16:07:11 bobz
 Added gpm -k mention in mouse troubleshooting
 mentioned 'sensitivity' in mouse lag troubleshooting
 Added qstat|less tip
 Added "/dev/dsp not configured" to troubleshooting
 Slightly reworded part of the mod compiling section
 Added bit about running mods server side
 corrected required version # in q2 mission pack 1
 Updated acknowledgements section
 Revision 1998/07/30 21:08:46 bobz
 Fixed a problem with broken lines in <sect> tags
 Revision 1998/07/30 17:40:29 bobz
 Fixed broken link to Latex version.
 Revision 1998/07/30 15:46:40 bobz
 Test update.
 Revision 1998/07/30 15:43:59 bobz
 Changed version numbering scheme.
 Revision 1.10 1998/07/30 13:51:24 bobz
 Minor version reporting change
 Revision 1.9 1998/07/29 20:42:03 bobz
 Added some server links
 Revision 1.8 1998/07/29 17:37:15 bobz
 Added a Quake II model viewer to the Other Programs section
 Revision 1.7 1998/07/29 16:02:23 bobz
 Added some relative links in Other Formats to make it
 more portable.
 Revision 1.6 1998/07/29 15:18:12 bobz
 Version and date stamps back to the way they were
 Revision 1.5 1998/07/29 14:52:03 bobz
 Added tags for automatic timestamping
 Revision 1.4 1998/07/29 13:17:51 bobz
 Changed's web address per webmaster's request
 Revision 1.3 1998/07/29 02:11:02 bobz
 Ooops again. Made "Other formats" a <sect> instead of a <sect1>.
 Revision 1.2 1998/07/29 01:55:41 bobz
 Oops. I deleted the doctype tag...
 Revision 1.1 1998/07/29 01:48:34 bobz
 Added Other Formats section.
 Changed acknowledgments slightly
 Added to list of ftp sites.
 Revision 1.0 1998/07/28
 First publicly released version
 Revision 0.9 1998/07/25
 Restructured,rewritten and expanded by Bob Zimbinski.
 Revision 0.01 1998/06/16
 First Pre-Release version v0.01by Brett A. Thomas and Mike Hallock.

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