
(PHP 4 >= 4.0.3, PHP 5)

ovrimos_fetch_row -- Fetches a row from the result set


int ovrimos_fetch_row ( int result_id [, int how [, int row_number]] )

ovrimos_fetch_row() is used to fetch a row from the result set.

ovrimos_fetch_row() fetches a row from the result set. Column values should be retrieved with other calls. Returns TRUE or FALSE.

Ejemplo 1. A fetch row example

= ovrimos_connect ("remote.host", "8001", "admin", "password");
if (
$conn != 0) {
"Connection ok!";
$res=ovrimos_exec ($conn, "select table_id, table_name from sys.tables");
    if (
$res != 0) {
"Statement ok!";
        if (
ovrimos_fetch_row ($res, "First")) {
$table_id = ovrimos_result ($res, 1);
$table_name = ovrimos_result ($res, 2);
"table_id=".$table_id.", table_name=".$table_name."\n";
            if (
ovrimos_fetch_row ($res, "Next")) {
$table_id = ovrimos_result ($res, "table_id");
$table_name = ovrimos_result ($res, "table_name");
"table_id=".$table_id.", table_name=".$table_name."\n";
            } else {
"Next: error\n";
        } else {
"First: error\n";
ovrimos_free_result ($res);
ovrimos_close ($conn);
This will fetch a row and print the result.

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Generated: 2007-01-26 18:01:04