![]() |
Various parts of the PHP language are represented internally by types like T_SR. PHP outputs identifiers like this one in parse errors, like "Parse error: unexpected T_SR, expecting ',' or ';' in script.php on line 10."
You're supposed to know what T_SR means. For everybody who doesn't know that, here is a table with those identifiers, PHP-syntax and references to the appropriate places in the manual.
Table Q-1. Tokens
Token | Syntax | Reference |
T_AND_EQUAL | &= | assignment operators |
T_ARRAY | array() | array(), array syntax |
T_ARRAY_CAST | (array) | type-casting |
T_AS | as | foreach |
T_BAD_CHARACTER | anything below ASCII 32 except \t (0x09), \n (0x0a) and \r (0x0d) | |
T_BOOLEAN_AND | && | logical operators |
T_BOOLEAN_OR | || | logical operators |
T_BOOL_CAST | (bool) or (boolean) | type-casting |
T_BREAK | break | break |
T_CASE | case | switch |
T_CLASS | class | classes and objects |
T_CLONE | clone | classes and objects. PHP 5 only. |
T_CLOSE_TAG | ?> or %> | |
T_COMMENT | // or #, and /* */ on PHP 5 | comments |
T_CONCAT_EQUAL | .= | assignment operators |
T_CONST | const | |
T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING | "foo" or 'bar' | string syntax |
T_CONTINUE | continue | |
T_DEC | -- | incrementing/decrementing operators |
T_DECLARE | declare | declare |
T_DEFAULT | default | switch |
T_DIV_EQUAL | /= | assignment operators |
T_DNUMBER | 0.12, etc | floating point numbers |
T_DOC_COMMENT | /** */ | PHPDoc style comments (PHP 5 only) |
T_DO | do | do..while |
T_DOLLAR_OPEN_CURLY_BRACES | ${ | complex variable parsed syntax |
T_DOUBLE_ARROW | => | array syntax |
T_DOUBLE_CAST | (real), (double) or (float) | type-casting |
T_ECHO | echo | echo() |
T_ELSE | else | else |
T_ELSEIF | elseif | elseif |
T_EMPTY | empty | empty() |
T_ENDDECLARE | enddeclare | declare, alternative syntax |
T_ENDFOR | endfor | for, alternative syntax |
T_ENDFOREACH | endforeach | foreach, alternative syntax |
T_ENDIF | endif | if, alternative syntax |
T_ENDSWITCH | endswitch | switch, alternative syntax |
T_ENDWHILE | endwhile | while, alternative syntax |
T_END_HEREDOC | heredoc syntax | |
T_EVAL | eval() | eval() |
T_EXIT | exit or die | exit(), die() |
T_EXTENDS | extends | extends, classes and objects |
T_FILE | __FILE__ | constants |
T_FOR | for | for |
T_FOREACH | foreach | foreach |
T_FUNCTION | function or cfunction | functions |
T_GLOBAL | global | variable scope |
T_IF | if | if |
T_INC | ++ | incrementing/decrementing operators |
T_INCLUDE | include() | include() |
T_INCLUDE_ONCE | include_once() | include_once() |
T_INT_CAST | (int) or (integer) | type-casting |
T_ISSET | isset() | isset() |
T_IS_EQUAL | == | comparison operators |
T_IS_GREATER_OR_EQUAL | >= | comparison operators |
T_IS_IDENTICAL | === | comparison operators |
T_IS_NOT_EQUAL | != or <> | comparison operators |
T_IS_NOT_IDENTICAL | !== | comparison operators |
T_IS_SMALLER_OR_EQUAL | <= | comparison operators |
T_LINE | __LINE__ | constants |
T_LIST | list() | list() |
T_LNUMBER | 123, 012, 0x1ac, etc | integers |
T_LOGICAL_AND | and | logical operators |
T_LOGICAL_OR | or | logical operators |
T_LOGICAL_XOR | xor | logical operators |
T_MINUS_EQUAL | -= | assignment operators |
T_ML_COMMENT | /* and */ | comments (PHP 4 only) |
T_MOD_EQUAL | %= | assignment operators |
T_MUL_EQUAL | *= | assignment operators |
T_NEW | new | classes and objects |
T_OBJECT_CAST | (object) | type-casting |
T_OBJECT_OPERATOR | -> | classes and objects |
T_OLD_FUNCTION | old_function | old_function |
T_OPEN_TAG | <?php, <? or <% | escaping from HTML |
T_OPEN_TAG_WITH_ECHO | <?= or <%= | escaping from HTML |
T_OR_EQUAL | |= | assignment operators |
T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM | :: | ::. Also defined as T_DOUBLE_COLON. |
T_PLUS_EQUAL | += | assignment operators |
T_PRINT | print() | print() |
T_PRIVATE | private | classes and objects. PHP 5 only. |
T_PUBLIC | public | classes and objects. PHP 5 only. |
T_PROTECTED | protected | classes and objects. PHP 5 only. |
T_REQUIRE | require() | require() |
T_REQUIRE_ONCE | require_once() | require_once() |
T_RETURN | return | returning values |
T_SL | << | bitwise operators |
T_SL_EQUAL | <<= | assignment operators |
T_SR | >> | bitwise operators |
T_SR_EQUAL | >>= | assignment operators |
T_START_HEREDOC | <<< | heredoc syntax |
T_STATIC | static | variable scope |
T_STRING_CAST | (string) | type-casting |
T_SWITCH | switch | switch |
T_UNSET | unset() | unset() |
T_UNSET_CAST | (unset) | (not documented; casts to NULL) |
T_USE | use | (not implemented) |
T_VAR | var | classes and objects |
T_VARIABLE | $foo | variables |
T_WHILE | while | while, do..while |
T_XOR_EQUAL | ^= | assignment operators |
T_FUNC_C | __FUNCTION__ | constants, since PHP 4.3.0 |
T_CLASS_C | __CLASS__ | constants, since PHP 4.3.0 |
See also token_name().
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