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Auto to keimevo exei sullegmeves plnrofories gia tnv ru8misn tou leitourgikou sustnmatos Linux gia tnv upostnri3n tns ellnvikns glwssas. Skopos DEN eivai n apavtnsn gevikwv problnmatwv, alla movov autwv pou sxetizovtai me tnv ellnvikn glwssa kai tis idiaiterotntes evos Ellnva xrnstn, sumperilambavomevwv:
Gia mia grngorn Egkatastasi-Ellinikwn avatre3ate sto avtistoixo kefalaio.
Parakalw, va exete up' oyiv sas oti oi odngies gia ta ellnvika mporei va mnv xreiazovtai n va eivai mnv isxuouv me akribeia stnv periptwsn sas. Auto px sumbaivei e3' aitias mikrodiaforwv meta3u twv diavomwv (Debian, Suse, Redhat, OpenLinux klp), n epeidn me tov kairo oi luseis pou parousiazovtai edw evswmatwvovtai stis diavomes.
H suvtnrnsn autou tou keimevou givetai apo tov Gewrgato Fwtn < gef@hellug.gr > kai n pio teleutaia ekdosn 8a brisketai sto URL: http://students.ceid.upatras.gr/~gef/linux/docs/HOWTO/
To keimevo auto 8a mporeite va to breite episns edw:
To HOWTO auto uparxei stis e3ns morfopoinseis:
Gia opoiodnpote metatropn/sxoliasmo tou HOWTO, parakalw epikoivwveiste mazi mou sto gef@hellug.gr me subject: HELLENIC-HOWTO. Eav breite la8n n avakribeies sto keimevo, dnlwste to. Episns avalambavw tnv or8ografia, tovismo kai suvtaktiko elegxo gia ta keimeva, xwris auto va snmaivei oti 8a eivai ola pavta teleia :-)
Istoriko allagwv:
{ Ta tmnmata pou eivai mesa se agkistra, eivai proswriva, kai dev 8a uparxouv stnv ekdosn 1.0 } { akuro, 8a meivouv } { Ta tmnmata pou exouv (???) xreiazovtai epaln8eusn n pros8nkes}
Ta gvwsta credits :-)
Euxaristw idiaitera tov 'Aggelo Xaritsn < ah@computer.org> ( gvwstos gia tis ergasies tou gurw apo ta ellnvika twv UNIX sto HRI ), gia tis ektetameves pros8nkes kai upodei3eis tou.
Polutimn, episns, ntav n bon8eia twv:
Gia tn suggrafn tou keimevou autou xrnsimeusav sav prwtes pnges ta:
Oi aparaitntes dieukrivnseis...
Ta pveumatika dikaiwmata autou tou HOWTO avnkouv stov Gewrgato Fwtn, alla epitrepetai n diavomn upo tous akolou8ous orous:
Ektos kai av orizetai diaforetika, ta keimeva "Linux HOWTO" eivai katoxurwmeva apo tous avtistoixous suggrafeis tous. Ta "Linux HOWTO" mporouv va avaparagovtai kai diavemovtai e3' oloklnrou n merikws, me ka8e meso fusiko n nlektroviko, arkei autn paragrafos gia ta pveumatika dikaiwmata, va diatnreitai se ka8e avtigrafo. Emporikn epavadiavomn epitrepetai kai malista evdeikvutai. Par' ola auta o suggrafeas 8a n8ele va eivai evnmerwmevos se tetoies periptwseis.
Oles oi metafraseis, paragomeves ergasies, n suv8eseis pou perilambavouv opoiodnpote "Linux HOWTO" prepei va kaluptovtai apo autnv tnv adeia. Dnladn, dev epitrepetai n paragwgn ulikou prokuptov apo auto kai n epiboln se auto epipros8etwv periorismwv osov afora tnv diadosn tou. E3aireseis mporouv va givouv kata periptwsn. Gia perissoteres plnrofories epikoivwvnste me tov suvtovistn twv Linux HOWTO.
Ev suvtomia, epi8umeitai n diadosn autwv twv plnroforiwv diamesou osov perissoterwv tropwv eivai efikto. Par' ola auta diatnrouvtai ta pveumatika dikaiwmata twv keimevwv "Linux HOWTO", kai eivai epi8umntn n evnmerwsn gia opoiodnpote sxedio diavomns autwv.
Gia perissoteres plnrofories, epikoivwvnste me tov Greg Hankins, suvtovistn twv Linux HOWTO sto email: gregh@metalab.unc.edu, n sto tnlefwvo +1 404 853 9989.
Eidika, gia tnv ellnvikn ekdosn epikoivwvnste me tov Gewrgato Fwtn, sto: gef@hellug.gr
* This document explains how to setup hellenic (greek) support under Linux. This includes the environment for greek users, as well as details on the configuration of applications. The document is written in modern hellenic ISO-8859-7, but you may find a "greeklish" version as well. Hellenic HOWTO is maintained by Fotis Georgatos < gef@hellug.gr> *
Unless otherwise stated, Linux HOWTO documents are copyrighted by their respective authors. Linux HOWTO documents may be reproduced and distributed in whole or in part, in any medium physical or electronic, as long as this copyright notice is retained on all copies. Commercial redistribution is allowed and encouraged; however, the author would like to be notified of any such distributions.
All translations, derivative works, or aggregate works incorporating any Linux HOWTO documents must be covered under this copyright notice. That is, you may not produce a derivative work from a HOWTO and impose additional restrictions on its distribution. Exceptions to these rules may be granted under certain conditions; please contact the Linux HOWTO coordinator at the address given below.
In short, we wish to promote dissemination of this information through as many channels as possible. However, we do wish to retain copyright on the HOWTO documents, and would like to be notified of any plans to redistribute the HOWTOs.
If you have questions, please contact Greg Hankins, the Linux HOWTO coordinator, at gregh@metalab.unc.edu via email, or at +1 404 853 9989.
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Generated: 2007-01-26 17:58:06