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XFree86 3.1 comes with two Hebrew fonts: heb6x13, heb8x13. Additional Hebrew fonts can be found on the Net:
(to *.Z) the fonts
to save space (NOT GZIP!!!).
to create/re-create the fonts.dir
and edit
(optional) to define new aliases.
does nothing. You have to add these
fonts to fonts.dir
In short you need to set the appropriate resource.
Put the following line in the $HOME/.Xresources:
or simply start xterm with xterm -fn heb8x13
The above font is way too small, so search for a better one ...
See the comments/examples on starting X11.
Usaly you can use the hebrew fonts from
snunit - webfonts, Install it
as described, and then put the next defaults in your local
or in the app-defaults/Netscape.
*documentFonts.latin1.variable.italic*slant: r
*documentFonts.latin1.variable.boldItalic*slant: r
*documentFonts.latin1.variable*family: web
*documentFonts.latin1.fixed*family: webmono
*documentFonts.latin1*registry: iso8859
*documentFonts.latin1*encoding: 8
In general you can put any fonts insted of the webfonts files as long as
its supported by X11
as described.
For some reason the X server doesn't inherit the keymap from the previous paragraph, and anyway I would like to define ALT Left and ALT Right and Scroll Lock. When pressing ALT together with some key it will generate a Hebrew character, Scroll Lock will lock in Hebrew mode.
To do that we need to use xmodmap
. Following is a Xmodmap which also
corrects the bugs with the "Num Lock":
! Hebrew key mapping for XFree86 (for US/Hebrew keyboards).
! By Vlad Moseanu
keysym Alt_L = Mode_switch
keysym Alt_R = Mode_switch
!clear Mod1
clear Mod2
!add Mod1 = Alt_L
add Mod2 = Mode_switch
! Set the mapping for each key
keycode 8 =
keycode 9 = Escape
keycode 10 = 1 exclam
keycode 11 = 2 at
keycode 12 = 3 numbersign
keycode 13 = 4 dollar
keycode 14 = 5 percent
keycode 15 = 6 asciicircum
keycode 16 = 7 ampersand
keycode 17 = 8 asterisk
keycode 18 = 9 parenleft
keycode 19 = 0 parenright
keycode 20 = minus underscore
keycode 21 = equal plus
keycode 22 = Delete
keycode 23 = Tab
keycode 24 = q Q slash Q
keycode 25 = w W apostrophe W
keycode 26 = e E 0x00f7 E
keycode 27 = r R 0x00f8 R
keycode 28 = t T 0x00e0 T
keycode 29 = y Y 0x00e8 Y
keycode 30 = u U 0x00e5 U
keycode 31 = i I 0x00ef I
keycode 32 = o O 0x00ed O
keycode 33 = p P 0x00f4 P
keycode 34 = bracketleft braceleft
keycode 35 = bracketright braceright
keycode 36 = Return
keycode 37 = Control_L
keycode 38 = a A 0x00f9 A
keycode 39 = s S 0x00e3 S
keycode 40 = d D 0x00e2 D
keycode 41 = f F 0x00eb F
keycode 42 = g G 0x00f2 G
keycode 43 = h H 0x00e9 H
keycode 44 = j J 0x00e7 J
keycode 45 = k K 0x00ec K
keycode 46 = l L 0x00ea L
keycode 47 = semicolon colon 0x00f3 colon
keycode 48 = apostrophe quotedbl comma quotedbl
keycode 49 = grave asciitilde semicolon asciitilde
keycode 50 = Shift_L
keycode 51 = backslash bar
keycode 52 = z Z 0x00e6 Z
keycode 53 = x X 0x00f1 X
keycode 54 = c C 0x00e1 C
keycode 55 = v V 0x00e4 V
keycode 56 = b B 0x00f0 B
keycode 57 = n N 0x00ee N
keycode 58 = m M 0x00f6 M
keycode 59 = comma less 0x00fa less
keycode 60 = period greater 0x00f5 greater
keycode 61 = slash question period question
keycode 62 = Shift_R
keycode 63 = KP_Multiply
!keycode 64 = Alt_L Meta_L
keycode 65 = space
keycode 66 = Caps_Lock
keycode 67 = F1
keycode 68 = F2
keycode 69 = F3
keycode 70 = F4
keycode 71 = F5
keycode 72 = F6
keycode 73 = F7
keycode 74 = F8
keycode 75 = Escape
keycode 76 = F10
keycode 77 = Num_Lock
keycode 78 = Scroll_Lock
keycode 79 = KP_7
keycode 80 = KP_8
keycode 81 = KP_9
keycode 82 = KP_Subtract
keycode 83 = KP_4
keycode 84 = KP_5
keycode 85 = KP_6
keycode 86 = KP_Add
keycode 87 = KP_1
keycode 88 = KP_2
keycode 89 = KP_3
keycode 90 = KP_0
keycode 91 = KP_Decimal
keycode 92 = Sys_Req
keycode 93 =
keycode 94 =
keycode 95 = F11
keycode 96 = F12
keycode 97 = Home
keycode 98 = Up
keycode 99 = Prior
keycode 100 = Left
keycode 101 = Begin
keycode 102 = Right
keycode 103 = End
keycode 104 = Down
keycode 105 = Next
keycode 106 = Insert
keycode 107 = Delete
keycode 108 = KP_Enter
keycode 109 = Control_R
keycode 110 = Pause
keycode 111 = Print
keycode 112 = KP_Divide
!keycode 113 = Alt_R Meta_R
keycode 114 = Break
! This xmodmap file can be use to set the correct numerical keypad mapping
! when "ServerNumLock" is set in the XF86Config file. In this case the
! Xserver takes care of the Num Lock processing.
keycode 136 = KP_7
keycode 137 = KP_8
keycode 138 = KP_9
keycode 139 = KP_4
keycode 140 = KP_5
keycode 141 = KP_6
keycode 142 = KP_1
keycode 143 = KP_2
keycode 144 = KP_3
keycode 145 = KP_0
keycode 146 = KP_Decimal
keycode 147 = Home
keycode 148 = Up
keycode 149 = Prior
keycode 150 = Left
keycode 151 = Begin
keycode 152 = Right
keycode 153 = End
keycode 154 = Down
keycode 155 = Next
keycode 156 = Insert
keycode 157 = Delete
To use the Xmodmap above define "Scroll-Lock Mode-Lock" in the XF86Config.
If you are using xdm a $HOME/.xsession should look like the following:
# $XConsortium: Xsession,v 1.9 92/08/29 16:24:57 gildea Exp $
# General defs
export OPENWINHOME=/usr/openwin
export MANPATH=/usr/local/man:/usr/man/preformat:/usr/man:/usr/X11R6/man
#export HOSTNAME="`cat /etc/HOSTNAME`"
export PATH="/bin: /usr/bin: /usr/X11/bin: /usr/X386/bin: /usr/TeX/bini: /usr/local/bin: /usr/games:."
if [ -z $XAPPLRESDIR ]; then
if [ -f $sysresources ]; then
xrdb -merge $sysresources
if [ -f $sysmodmap ]; then
xmodmap $sysmodmap
if [ -f $resources ]; then
xrdb -merge $resources
if [ -f $xmodmap ]; then
xmodmap $xmodmap
# Start applications
# xterm -ls -sb &
xhost + # look out !!!
exec fvwm
If you prefer startx
use the above as an example for .xinitrc
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Generated: 2007-01-26 17:58:06