10. This document...

The SGML source of the most recent version of this document can be retrieved from here. The previous version, created by Morten Kjeldgaard, and Peter von der Ah�, can be found on imsb.au.dk

10.1. Related documentation

10.1.1. Documentation related to the current version

The following documents were useful in the creation of this howto:

The (unofficial) RedHat 7 Customised Installer mini-HOWTO, by Tony Nugent. This document is very interesting and useful, so, if you are serious about building customized CDs, I strongly suggest you to read it. You can find it on www.linuxworks.com.au

Miguel Freitas has written RedHat7 CDs mini-Howto, that you can read on this website.

Ron Yorston wrote the rpmhack document, relevant for release 6.2 of Redhat Linux.

Someone (I couldn't find his name) wrote the document Building a Red Hat Linux 6.2 CDROM, useful for release 6.2.

10.1.2. Documentation related to the previous edition

Ed Schlunder <zilym@asu.edu> has written a utility called fix-rhcd to let you check your Red Hat Linux distribution mirror for matching file sizes, names, permissions, and symlinks against an "ls -lNR" listing from the offical Red Hat ftp site. Any permissions that are wrong are changed to match the "ls" listing. See the fix-rhcd homepage.

Rod Smith <smithrod@bellatlantic.net> has written a Do-It-Yourself Red Hat Installation guide, which also includes information on creating RedHat install CD's. Especially aimed at burning a CD from a non-UNIX system. Find it on his website.

A document in french "Comment graver un CD de la RedHat 5.x a partir de fichiers telecharges sur Internet...''" by <skooter@hol.fr> is available from linuxfr.org.

With the sense of the good things in life Jussi Torhonen from Finland <jussi.torhonen@tietosavo.fi> tells us Howto make a homebrew bootable RedHat Linux 5.2 CD-ROM.

From the LDP project, see the CD-writing HOWTO.

10.2. Acknowledgements

Apart from those mentioned above, thanks are given to the following people for valuable input, feedback, discussions and other:

10.2.1. Acknowledgements for the current version

  • Morten Kjeldgaard, <mok (at) imsb (dot) au (dot) dk>

  • Peter von der Ah�, <pahe+rhcd (at) daimi (dot) au (dot) dk>

  • Giulia Tomaselli

  • Jacinta Conneely

  • Filippo Carcaci

  • Guillaume Lelarge <gleu (at) wanadoo (dot) fr>

  • Alain Portal <aportal (at) univ-montp2 (dot) fr>

  • All the people on the anaconda-devel and kickstart mailing lists

10.2.2. Acknowledgements for the previous versions

  • Lars Christensen <larsch (at) cs (dot) auc (dot) dk>

  • Thomas Duffy <tbd (at) cs (dot) brown (dot) edu>

  • Dawn Endico <dawn (at) math (dot) wayne (dot) edu>

  • Seva <seva (at) null (dot) cc (dot) uic (dot) edu>

  • Michael Thomas Cope <mcope (at) orion (dot) ac (dot) hmc (dot) edu>

  • Charles J. Fisher <charles_fisher (at) bigfoot (dot) com>

  • Eric Thomas <eric.thomas (at) ericsson (dot) com>

  • Gordon Yuen <gdccyuen (at) yahoo (dot) com>

  • Dave Morse <morse (at) nichimen (dot) com>

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