![]() |
More to be filled later...suggestions are welcome!
IPv6 test backbone: 6bone, How to join 6bone, Teilnahme am 6bone (german language), 6bone participation (english language)
America: ARIN, ARIN / registration page, ARIN / IPv6 guidelines
EMEA: Ripe NCC, Ripe NCC / registration page, Ripe NCC / IPv6 registration
Asia/Pacific: APNIC, APNIC / IPv6 ressource guide
Latin America and Caribbea: LACNIC, IPv6 Registration Services, IPv6 Allocation Policy
Africa: AfriNIC
Also a list of major (prefix length 32) allocations per local registry is available here: Ripe NCC / IPv6 allocations.
Note: A list of available Tunnel broker can be found in the section Tunnel broker below.
Sourcecode used in Vermicellis Master thesis about tunnelbroker, University of Tromso.
Former IPng. Tunnelbroker and IPv6 resources, now migrated to the SixXs System.
Eckes' IPv6-with-Linux Page.
RIPE6.net: Configure an IPv6 Tunnel to a tunnelbroker; Route ipv6-ips from your router to other clients in your network...
tunnelc - a perl based tunnel client script: freshmeat.net: Project details for tunnel client SourceForge: Project Info - tunnelc (also here)
Linux Advanced Routing & Traffic Control HOWTO, Chapter 6: IPv6 tunneling with Cisco and/or 6bone.
See also here for more information and URLs: ipv6-net.org.
More to be filled later...suggestions are welcome!
bofh.st / latest IPv6 news (but currently [Jan 2002] outdated...), also homepage for #IPv6 channel on IRCnet
ipv6-net.org, German forum
Lot of URLs to others documents by Anil Edathara
Publishing the list of IPv6-related RFCs is beyond the scope of this document, but given URLs will lead you to such lists:
List sorted by IPng Standardization Status or IPng Current Specifications by Robert Hinden
IPv6 Related Specifications on IPv6.org
Current (also) IPv6-related drafts can be found here:
Get any information about IPv6, from overviews, through RFCs & drafts, to implementations (including availability of stacks on various platforms & source code for IPv6 stacks)
IPv6 specifications - Latest RFCs and Internet Drafts Collection.
Network Sorcery / IPv6, Internet Protocol version 6, IPv6 protocol header
SWITCH IPv6 Pilot / References, big list of IPv6 references maintained by Simon Leinen
Advanced Network Management Laboratory / IPv6 Address Oracle shows you IPv6 addresses in detail
More to be filled later...suggestions are welcome!
DeepSpace6 / more interesting links
IPv6-HowTo for Linux by Peter Bieringer - Germany, and his Bieringer / IPv6 - software archive
Linux+IPv6 status by Peter Bieringer - Germany (going obsolete)
DeepSpace6 / IPv6 Status Page - Italy (Mirror) (will superseed upper one)
USAGI project - Japan, and their USAGI project - software archive
Linux Optimized Link State Routing Protocol (OLSR) IPv6 HOWTO
PLD Linux Distribution ("market leader" in containing IPv6 enabled packages)
Debian Linux, Craig Small's IPv6 information and status, Jim's insignificant LAN IPv6 global connectivity HOWTO
For more see the IPv6+Linux Status Distributions page.
JOIN: IPv6 information - Germany, by the JOIN project team maintaining also Links to external WWW pages comprising IPv6/IPng.
TIPSTER6 project - Hungary, "Testing Experimental IPv6 Technology and Services in Hungary".
WIDE project - Japan
SWITCH IPv6 Pilot - Switzerland
IPv6 Corner of Hubert Feyrer - Germany
Vermicelli Project - Norway
IPv6 Forum - a world-wide consortium of leading Internet vendors, Research & Education Networks...
Playground.sun.com / IPv6 Info Page - maintained by Robert Hinden, Nokia. Get any information about IPv6, from overviews, through RFCs & drafts, to implementations (including availability of stacks on various platforms & source code for IPv6 stacks).
NASA Ames Research Center (old content)
6INIT - IPv6 Internet Initiative - an EU Fifth Framework Project under the IST Programme.
IPv6 Document Project (Japanese language)
6init - IPv6 INternet IniTiative
IPv6: The New Version of the Internet Protocol, by Steve Deering.
IPv6: The Next Generation Internet Protocol, by Gary C. Kessler.
Literature Research IPv6 (IPng), by Mike Crawfurd.
internet || site and internet2 Working Group - Presentation (HTML + PPT) from IPv6 Workshops: (Stateless Autoconfiguration, IPv6 Addressing, USAGI, Provider Independent IPv6 Addressing and other topics).
NetworkWorldFusion: Search / Doc Finder: searched for IPv6 (102 documents found 22.12.2002)
The Register (Search for IPv6 will result in 30 documents, 22.12.2002)
Klingon IPv6 tools, Klingon IPv6 tools (native IPv6 only access): IPv6 firewall examples, bandwith testing and portscanner
Something missing? Suggestions are welcome!
A Tale of Two Wireless Technology Trends: Processor Development Outsourcing and IPv6Yankee Group - 4/1/2002 - 12 Pages - ID: YANL768881
The World Atlas of the Internet: Americas; IDATE - 2/1/2002 - 242 PAges - ID: IDT803907. Countries covered: Central America, North America, South America; List: Price: $ 3,500.00; excerpt: Panorama of Internet access markets across the globe. Market assessment and forecasts up to 2006 for 34 countries: market structure: main ISPs and market shares; number of subscribers, of ISPs.
Early Interest Rising for IPv6 by IDC (Author); List Price: $1,500.00; Edition: e-book (Acrobat Reader); Publisher: IDC; ISBN B000065T8E; (March 1, 2002)
Canadian Patent Database: Home, Search (Basic Search, just enter IPv6 in the search field ;-); 84 documents found 22.12.2002)
Espacenet - European patent information: National Offices, Members of Espacenet(IPv6: 84 documents, 22.12.2002)
Delphion Research: Patent Search Page. Basic (free) registration needed. Examples found 21.12.2002 searching for IPv6: Communicating method between IPv4 terminal and IPv6 terminal and IPv4-IPv6 converting apparatus Translator for IP networks, network system using the translator, and IP network coupling method therefor
www.ist-ipv6.org: IST IPv6 Cluster, European IPv6 Research and Development Projects
Euro6IX: European IPv6 Internet Exchanges Backbone
IPv6@IKNnet and MIPv6 Research Group: TU Vienna, Austria (IPv6: project, publications, diploma / doctor thesis, Conference Proceedings etc.)
Carl's Australian IPv6 Pages (old content)
IPv6-net.org: German IPv6 forum
Renater: Renater IPv6 Project Page
Yamaha IPv6 (sorry, all in japanese native ...)
ETRI: Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institut
IPv6 Forum Korea: Korean IPv6 Deployment Project
IPv6 Mexico (spain & english version): IPv6 Project Hompeage of The National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)
SURFnet: SURFnet IPv6 Backbone
STACK, STACK (IPv6): Students' computer association of the Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherland
IPng.nl: collaboration between WiseGuys and Intouch
IPv6 Forum for Russia: Yaroslavl State University Internet Center
SWITCH: The Swiss Education & Research Network
British Telecom IPv6 Home: BT's ISP IPv6 Trial, UK's first IPv6 Internet Exchange etc.
KAME project (*BSD)
BUGAT - BSD Usergroup Austria - www.bugat.at: FreeBSD IPv6 Tunnel (German language)
IPv6 for Cisco IOS Software, File 2 of 3: Aug 2002 -- Table of Contents: IPv6 for Cisco IOS Software; Configuring Documentation Specifics; Enabling IPv6 Routing and Configuring; IPv6 Addressing; Enabling IPv6 Processing Globally.
Cisco Internet Networking Handbook, Chapter IPv6
IPv6 at Compaq - Presentations, White Papers, Documentation...
Now that IBM's announced the availability of z/OS V1.4, what's new in this release? This question was posed on 15 August 2002
MSRIPv6 - Microsoft Research Network - IPv6 Homepage
Getting Started with the Microsoft IPv6 Technology Preview for Windows 2000
Internet Connection Firewall Does Not Block Internet Protocol Version 6 Traffic (6.11.2001)
Internet Protocol Numbers (8.10.2002)
IPv6 Technology Preview Refresh (16.10.2002)
HOW TO: Install and Configure IP Version 6 in Windows .NET Enterprise Server (26.10.2002)
Windows .NET Server 6to4 Router Service Quits When You Advertise a 2002 Address on the Public Interface (28.10.2002)
msdn - search for IPv6 (100 results, 22.12.2002)
IpInfusion's ZebOS Server Routing Software
Internet Security Systems: Security Center, X-Force Database Search (21.12.2002 - 6 topics found relating to IPv6)
NIST IPsec Project ( National Institute of Standards and Technology, NIST)
Information Security, Search for IPv6 (21.12.2002 - 9 articles found)
NewOrder.box.sk (search for IPv6) (Articles, exploits, files database etc.)
Freshmeat / IPv6 search, currently (14 Dec 2002) 62 projects
IPv6 Forum: IPv6 Router List
Ethereal - Ethereal is a free network protocol analyzer for Unix and Windows
Radcom RC100-WL - Download Radcom RC100-WL protocol analyzer version 3.20
6wind - solutions for IPv4/IPv6 Router, QoS, Multicast, Mobility, Security/VPN/Firewall.
Fefe's patches for IPv6 with djbdnsAug 2002 -- What is djbdns and why does it need IPv6? djbdns is a full blown DNS server which outperforms BIND in nearly all respects.
Hitachi, Ltd. IPv6 Home PageIPv6 Products GR2000 - IPv6 router; Toolnet6 - Protocol Exchange software for IPv6.
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