OK, you should be set up and ready to do some exploring. Go take some trash pictures with your camera in all the different formats. Mine will take in 4 formats, TIFF, GIF, JPEG, and MPEG, and it also provides a thumbnail of each picture. In my Sony P-50 these will be stored on the memory media in 4 different sub-folders, 100msdcf, imcif100, thm, and moml0001. These are in 2 folders, dcim, and mssony. You need to find how your camera names the directories. You can do this in the following manner:
Copy the above script file to a working file name.
With your text editor change line: mv /mnt/camera/dcim/100msdcf/*.jpg picture/$DIRPATH to mv /mnt/camera/* picture/$DIRPATH
Run the script from a command line as follows:
[bash]$ ./your_script_file_name
(notice the dot and forward slash)
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