Chapter 3. Preliminary Setup

At this point you need to make some decisions. You will need to create a directory for a mount point, and you will need a name for this directory. I use camera and place it in /mnt. The name of the directory (camera in my case) can be any word of your choice. The command for creating this directory is:

[bash]$ mkdir -m 777 /mnt/camera

I prefer for all my pictures to be in one directory with subdirectories by subject matter, so I also created a directory named picture, and placed it in my home directory. The name of the directory (picture in my case) can be any word of your choice. The command for creating this directory is:

[bash]$ mkdir -m 777 ~/picture

See Section A.1, listed at the end of this document.

The big decision! Are you going to do this as "user" or "superuser/root"?

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