errno which_calls Meaning
----- ----------- ----------------------------------------------
EACCES <some ioctls> Root permission (more precisely CAP_SYS_ADMIN
or CAP_SYS_RAWIO) required. Also may occur during
an attempted write to /proc/scsi/sg files.
EAGAIN r The file descriptor is non-blocking and the request
has not been completed yet.
EAGAIN w,SG_IO SCSI sub-system has (temporarily) run out of
command blocks.
EBADF w File descriptor was not open()ed O_RDWR.
EBUSY o Someone else has an O_EXCL lock on this device.
EBUSY w With mmap-ed IO, the reserved buffer already in use.
EBUSY <some ioctls> Attempt to change something (e.g. reserved buffer
size) when the resource was in use.
EDOM w,SG_IO Too many requests queued against this file
descriptor. Limit is SG_MAX_QUEUE active requests.
If sg_header interface is being used then the
default queue depth is 1. Use SG_SET_COMMAND_Q
ioctl() to increase it.
EFAULT w,r,SG_IO Pointer to user space invalid.
<most ioctls>
EINVAL w,r Size given as 3rd argument not large enough for the
sg_io_hdr_t structure. Both direct and mmap-ed IO
EIO w Size given as 3rd argument less than size of old
header structure (sg_header). Additionally a write()
with the old header will yield this error for most
detected malformed requests.
EIO r A read() with the older sg_header structure yields
this value for some errors that it detects.
EINTR o While waiting for the O_EXCL lock to clear this call
was interrupted by a signal.
EINTR r,SG_IO While waiting for the request to finish this call
was interrupted by a signal.
EINTR w [Very unlikely] While waiting for an internal SCSI
resource this call was interrupted by a signal.
EMSGSIZE w,SG_IO SCSI command size ('cmd_len') was too small
(i.e. < 6) or too large
ENODEV o Tried to open() a file with no associated device.
[Perhaps sg has not been built into the kernel or
is not available as a module?]
ENODEV o,w,r,SG_IO SCSI device has detached, awaiting cleanup.
User should close fd. Poll() will yield POLLHUP.
ENOENT o Given filename not found.
ENOMEM o [Very unlikely] Kernel was not even able to find
enough memory for this file descriptor's context.
ENOMEM w,SG_IO Kernel unable to find memory for internal buffers.
This is usually associated with indirect IO.
For mmap-ed IO 'dxfer_len' greater than reserved
buffer size.
Lower level (adapter) driver does not support enough
scatter gather elements for requested data transfer.
ENOSYS w,SG_IO 'interface_id' of a sg_io_hdr_t object was _not_ 'S'.
ENXIO o "remove-single-device" may have removed this device.
ENXIO o, w,r,SG_IO Internal error (including SCSI sub-system busy doing
error processing - e.g. SCSI bus reset). When a
SCSI device is offline, this is the response. This
can be bypassed by opening O_NONBLOCK.
EPERM o Can't use O_EXCL when open()ing with O_RDONLY
EPERM w,SG_IO File descriptor open()-ed O_RDONLY but O_RDWR
<some ioctls> access mode needed for this operation. |