![]() |
nntp 119/tcp \# Network News Transfer Protocol |
nntp stream tcp nowait news path-to-tcpd path-to-nntpd |
Configuring control files: There are plenty of control files in $NEWSCTL that will need to be configured before you can start using the news system. The files mentioned here are also discussed in the first section of the section titled "Components of a running system>". These control files are dealt in detail in the following below.
sys: One line per system/NDN listing all the newsgroup hierarchies each system subscribes to. Each line is prefixed with the system name and the one beginning with
ME: |
ME:comp,news,misc,netscape |
server/server.starcomsoftware.com:all,!general/all:f |
explist: This file has entries indicating which articles expire and when and whether they have to be archived. The order in which the newsgroups are listed is important. An example follows:
comp.lang.java.3d x 60 /var/spool/news/Archive |
batchparms: sendbatches is a program that administers batched transmission of news articles to other sites. To do this it consults the batchparms file. Each line in the file specifies the behaviour for each of your NDN mentioned in the sys file. There are five fields for each site to be specified.
server u 100000 100 batcher | gzip -9 | viauux -d gunzip |
The first field is the site name which matches the entry in the sys file and has a corresponding directory in $NEWSARTS/out.going by that name.
The second field is the class of the site,u for UUCP and n for NNTP feeds. A "!" in this field means that batching for this site has been disabled.
The third field is the size of batches to be prepared in bytes.
The fourth field is the maximum length of the output queue for transmission to that site.
The fifth field is the command line to be used to build, compress and transmit batches to that site. The contents of the togo file are made available on standard input.
controlperm: This file controls how the news system responds to control messages. Each line consists of 4-5 fields separated by white space. Control messages has been discussed in "Section 2.4>".
comp,sci tale@uunet.uu.net nrc pv news.announce.newsgroups |
The first field is a newsgroup pattern to which the line applies.
The second field is either the keyword "any" or an e-mail address. The latter specifies that the line applies to control messages from only that author.
The third field is a set of opcode letters indicating what control operations need to be performed on messages emanating from the e-mail address mentioned in the second field. n stands for creating a newgroup, r stands for deleting a newsgroup and c stands for checkgroup.
The fourth field is a set of flag letters indicating how to respond to a control message that meets all the applicability tests:
y Do it. n Don't do it. v Report it and include the entire control message in the report. q Don't report it. p Do it iff the control message carries a valid PGP signature. |
The fifth field, which is optional, will be used if the fourth field contains a p. It must contain the PGP key ID of the public key to be used for signature verification.
mailpaths: This file describes how to reach the moderators of various hierarchies of newsgroups by mail. Each line consists of two fields: a news group pattern and an e-mail address. The first line whose group pattern matches the newsgroup is used. As an example:
comp.lang.java.3d somebody@mydomain.com all %s@moderators.uu.net |
Miscellaneous files: The other files to be modified are:
mailname: Contains the Internet domain name of the news system. Consider getting one if you don't have it.
organization: Contains the default value for the Organization: header for postings originating locally.
whoami: Contains the name of the news system. This is the site name used in the Path: headers and hence should concur with the names your neighbours use in their sys files.
active file: This file specifies one line for each newsgroup (not just the hierarchy) to be found on your news system. You will have to get the most recent copy of the active file from ftp://ftp.isc.org/usenet/CONFIG/active and prune it to delete newsgroups that you have not subscribed to. Run the script addgroup for each newsgroup in this file which will create relevant directories in the $NEWSARTS area. The addgroup script takes two paramters: the newsgroup name being created and a flag. The flag can be any one of the following:
y local postings are allowed n no local postings, only remote ones m postings to this group must be approved by the moderator j articles in this group are only passed and not kept x posting to this newsgroup is disallowed =foo.bar articles are locally filed in "foo.bar" group |
comp.lang.java.3d 0000003716 01346 m |
newsgroups file: This contains a one-line description of each newsgroup to be found in the active file. You will have to get the most recent file from ftp://ftp.isc.org/usenet/CONFIG/newsgroups and prune it to remove unwanted information. As an example:
comp.lang.java.3d 3D Graphics APIs for the Java language |
Aliases: These aliases are required for trouble reporting. Once the system is in place and scripts are run, anomalies/problems are reported to addresses in the /etc/aliases file. These entries include email addresses for newsmaster, newscrisis, news, usenet, newsmap. They should ideally point to an email address that will be accessed at regularly. Arrange the emails for newsmap to be discarded to minimize the effect of sendsys bombing by practical jokers.
Cron jobs: Certain scripts like newsrun that picks up incoming batches and maintenance scripts, should run through news-database owner's cron which is news. The cron entries ideally will be for the following: A more detailed report can be found in "Section 9.4>"
newsrun: This script processes incoming batches of article. Run this as frequently as you want them to get digested.
sendbatches: This script transmit batches to the NDNs. Set the frequency according to your requirements.
newsdaily: This should be run ideally once a day since it reports errors and anomalies in the news system.
newswatch: This looks for errors/anomalies at a more detailed level and hence should be run atleast once every hour
doexpire: This script expires old articles as determined by the explist file. Run this once a day.
newslog: Make an entry in the system's syslog.conf file for logging messages spewed out by nntpd in newslog . It should be located in $NEWSCTL. The entry will look like this:
news.debug -/var/lib/news/newslog |
Newsboot: Have this run (as news the news-database owner) when the system boots to clear out debris left around by crashes.
Add a Usenet mailer in sendmail: The mail2news program provided as part of the source code is a handy tool to send an e-mail to a newsgroup which gets digested as an article. You will have to add the following ruleset and mailer definition in your sendmail.cf file:
Under SParse1, add the following:
R$+ . USENET < @ $=w . > $#usenet $: $1 |
Under mailer definitions, define the mailer Usenet as:
MUsenet P=/usr/lib/newsbin/mail2news/m2nmailer, F=lsDFMmn, S=10, R=0, M=2000000, T=X-Usenet/X-Usenet/X-Unix, A=m2nmailer $u |
In order to send a mail to a newsgroup you will now have to suffix the newsgroup name with usenet i.e. your To: header will look like this:
To: misc.test.usenet@yourdomain. |
This, more or less, completes the configuration part.
To locally test the system, follow the steps given below:
post an article: Create a local newsgroup
cnewsdo addgroup mysite.test y |
As mentioned in "Section 2.4>", it becomes necessary to authenticate control messages to protect yourself from being attacked by pranksters. For this, you will have to configure the $NEWSCTL/controlperm file to declare whose control messages you are willing to honour and for what newsgroups alongwith their public key ID. The controlperm manpage shall give you details on the format.
This will work only in association with pgpverify which verifies the Usenet control messages that have been signed using the signcontrol process. The script can be found at ftp://ftp.isc.org/pub/pgpcontrol/pgpverify. pgpverify internally uses the PGP binary which will have to be made available in the default executables directory. If you wish to send control messages for your local news system, you will have to digitally sign them using the above mentioned signcontrol program which is available at ftp://ftp.isc.org/pub/pgpcontrol/signcontrol. You will also have to configure the signcontrol program accordingly.
If you are a leaf node, you will only have to send feeds back to your news provider for your postings in public newsgroups to propagate to the outside world. To enable this, you need one line in the sys and batchparms files and one directory in $NEWSARTS/out.going. If you are willing to transmit articles to your neighbouring sites, you will have to configure sys and batchparms with more entries. The number of directories in $NEWSARTS/out.going shall increase, too. Refer to first two sections of the chapter titled "Components of a running system>"for a better understanding of outgoing feeds. Again, you will have to determine how you wish to transmit the feed: UUCP or NNTP.
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Generated: 2007-01-26 17:57:56