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7. Procmail

The qmail FAQ gives this command:

In  /.qmail add the line

| preline procmail

Version 3.11pre7 has changed the default mail box variable. It used to be in config.h. It is now in src/authenticate.c:

#define MAILSPOOLHOME "/Mailbox"        /* watch the leading / */
                                        /* delivers to $HOME/Mailbox */

I have culled from ans comp.mail.misc some hints on a .procmailrc file. Thanks to everyone!

# Written by Catherine Hampton <>
# Version 1.1
# Updated 1/25/98
# Released to the Public Domain.

# Internal Variables
# the following have be modified by rdn 19980303

# Everyone says that the SHELL environment is essential
SHELL=/bin/sh               #Shell used to run procmail.  Be sure this points to
                            #your system's copy of sh.  DO NOT substitute a
                            #different shell unless you really know UNIX

LINEBUF=4096                #Needed to keep Procmail from choking on long
                            #"recipes", or instructions on what to do with
                            #particular kinds of email.

                            #Path for your programs -- this is probably best
                            #left alone.

VERBOSE=off                 #Change this to "on" when you try a new recipe
                            #so that Procmail will log literally every step
                            #it takes.  DO NOT LEAVE IT ON, though, because
                            #it creates huge logfiles.

# Default Program & file locations

MAILDIR=$HOME/Mail          #you'd better make sure this directory exists

DEFAULT=$HOME/Mailbox         #default incoming mailbox for shell2-5 users
                            #on Best Internet.  Substitute the correct
                            #setting for your system.

LOGFILE=$MAILDIR/procmail.log #Logs message disposition.  Recommended -- otherwise
                            #errors are emailed to you. :/

FORMAIL=/usr/bin/formail        #useful for autoreply recipes.  If you
                                #are not on Best Internet, modify this to
                                #your system's copy of formail.

SENDMAIL=/usr/sbin/sendmail    #useful for autoreply recipes.  If you are
                               #not on Best Internet, modify this to point
                               #to your system's copy of sendmail.

Procmail is an excellently documented program. Read the man pages for examples on how to set up your .procmailrc file.

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