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Here are the parameters needed for the configuration of the config.php file through the admin/preferences area:
Site name: It corresponds to the title tag, it is what appears up in the right bar of the browser. It is very important for the search engines.
Site URL: It is the internet address of your site.
Logo: It is the logo of your site. In standard themes and themes not modified much it is the Logo that appears up on the left.
Slogan: It is equivalent to the description tag, it's also very important for the search engines.
Beginning date of the site: It's the date that appears in the statistics module.
Administrator e-mail : it is the e-mail which will receive the notifications for article insertions by third parties and the mails from the "contact us" module.
Articles in Top Page: Specifies the number of news articles that can be displayed in the main page of the news module.
Articles in Home: Specifies the number of news articles that can be displayed in the home page of the site (if the news module is the main one).
Stories in old articles box: Specifies the number of news articles that can be displayed in the old articles box.
Activate ultramode: specifies if other sites can take news titles from our site.
Allow anonymous to post : Specifies whether anonymous users can write comments.
Default theme: defines the default theme of the site.
Select language: defines the default language of the site.
local time format: defines the format of the local time (Depends on the server, if it is running linux, this is controlled in /usr/share/locale)
activate the multilanguage characteristics: choose whether the site should support a multilingual functionality or not
display the small flags in place of the list: if the multilingual option is activated then this decides whether the block should display the small state flags in place of a list of language names.
activate banners : sets up the option to use banner rotation on the site.
For the footer of the page, imagine we have to insert 3 texts in a table that is 100% wide and positioned centrally:
Page Footer Line 1: first text to insert
Page Footer Line 2: second text to insert
Page Footer Line 3: third text to insert
Backend title: The title that will appear in the file from which other sites get our newsfeed.
Backend language: language for the newsfeed file.
Notify new insertions via e-mail: It defines whether the administrator gets an e-mail when a user inserts a news article.
E-mail address to send the message: e-mail to which the notification message will be sent.
E-mail subject:
E-mail message: notification text (e.g. "you have received a new article").
E-mail account (From): who has sent the message.
Moderation type: chooses whether a moderation should be set up for the comments or not.
Comment limits in Bytes: sets up the maximum size for the comments.
Default anonymous user name: assigns a name to the persons who chose to remain unregistered.
Graphical administration menu: sets up whether to have icons or text in the administration area.
Minimal length for the user's password: for security reasons it is advisable to set up a rather long password.
Activate referring HTTP: whether statistics regarding the origin of the visits should be gathered.
How many referrers you want maximally: the maximum number of statistics pertaining to the origin of the visits (max 2000).
Activate comments in surveys: Whether comments are allowed in the surveys or not.
Activate comments in articles: Whether comments are allowed in the articles or not.
Hosting by: Hurra Communications Ltd.
Generated: 2007-01-26 17:57:55