MMBase Installation HOWTO

Adrian Offerman


December 20, 2003

Revision History
Revision 0.3.22005-01-25Revised by: AO
Revision 1.02004-02-02Revised by: AO
Initial Release, reviewed by LDP.

This document describes the installation of the MMBase content management system on a Red Hat Linux distribution, using the Tomcat application server, and integrating it with MySQL and Apache.

Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Installation
3. Installing Java
4. Installing Tomcat
5. Replacing Tomcat's default JSP compiler Jasper with IBM's Jikes compiler
6. Installing ImageMagick
7. Installing MMBase
8. Connecting MMBase to MySQL using MySQL Connector/J
9. Installing MMBase additional applications
9.1. Installing the CloudContext Security module
9.2. Installing the Media module
9.3. Installing the Email module
10. Configuring initial MMBase settings
11. Running MMBase
12. Connecting Apache and Tomcat using mod_jk2
13. Installing an Apache reverse proxy as a front-end to your MMBase server
14. Installing more MMBase servers on a single Tomcat server
15. Acknowledgements
16. Contributers
17. Revision history
18. Disclaimer
19. Copyright

This document describes the installation of the MMBase content management system on a Red Hat Linux distribution, using the Tomcat application server, and integrating it with MySQL and Apache.

Version: 0.3.2, January 25, 2005.

Author: Adrian Offerman

The latest version of this document can be found at:

Feedback is welcome at:

For questions, check out the MMBase website:

You can find the MMBase documentation at:

Good luck!

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