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Game Server HOWTO | ||
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Unreal Tournament is a very addictive first person shooter which is designed to be run in one of several modes; DeathMatch, Capture the Flag, Last Man Standing and Assault are the most popular. It features bots, a bevy of weapons and plenty of community support. It was originally ported as an in-house development effort at Epic but later releases are handled by Loki Software. Current version as of this writing is 436.
As always, the system requirements will vary slightly depending on the number of players on the server. Here are the basics:
Pentium 266 (For more than 8 users, a faster server is recommended)
At least 32 MB RAM (For a VERY dedicated machine. The more maps, skins, mutators, bots, and players that are online, the more RAM the server will use.) 64 MB is highly recommended.
Linux kernel 2.2.14 or later, Glibc 2.1 or later.
The retail Unreal Tournament CD (Just the first one is necessary).
At least 500 MB disk space. Maps, skins, and mods will require a bit more.
Enough bandwidth if you're going to run an Internet server. Epic recommends about 20kbps per player.
First, download the latest ut-install file from Loki's website. As of this version of the HOWTO, that is 436.
Mount the Unreal Tournament CD (Usually /cdrom or /mnt/cdrom), and run the ut-install*.run file. It will verify the archive, check the CD for the appropriate files, and begin installing. It will ask you where you want to install UT to, as well as a few other questions. It is actually fairly painless.
Once you have it installed, you will want to change ownership of the files to the user ID that they will be running under (See Security and permissions).
Now it's time to write a config file. Unreal Tournament uses an INI-style config file format which is exactly like Windows INI files. This config file will contain ALL the variables the server will use, including game types, defaults for those types, number of players, bots, etc. The cfg's should be kept in the System/ directory (either $UTROOT/System/ or ~/.loki/ut/System/). If you have an UnrealTournament.ini and/or User.ini in that System/ directory, it will be loaded and can override settings in the server's cfg file. This is a sanitized copy of my server's cfg file (called ucc.ini):
----[snip]----- [URL] Protocol=unreal ProtocolDescription=Unreal Protocol Name=Player Map=Index.unr LocalMap=DM-Deck16][.unr Host= Portal= MapExt=unr SaveExt=usa Port=7777 Class=Botpack.TMale1 [FirstRun] FirstRun=428 [PackageRemap] UnrealShare=UnrealI [Engine.Engine] GameRenderDevice=NullDrv.NullRenderDevice WindowedRenderDevice=NullDrv.NullRenderDevice RenderDevice=NullDrv.NullRenderDevice AudioDevice=NullDrv.NullRenderDevice NetworkDevice=IpDrv.TcpNetDriver DemoRecordingDevice=Engine.DemoRecDriver Console=UTMenu.UTConsole Language=int GameEngine=Engine.GameEngine EditorEngine=Editor.EditorEngine DefaultGame=Botpack.DeathMatchPlus DefaultServerGame=Botpack.DeathMatchPlus ViewportManager=SDLDrv.SDLClient Render=Render.Render Input=Engine.Input Canvas=Engine.Canvas [Core.System] PurgeCacheDays=30 SavePath=../Save CachePath=../Cache CacheExt=.uxx Paths=../System/*.u Paths=/path/to/ut/Maps/*.unr Paths=/path/to/ut/Textures/*.utx Paths=/path/to/ut/Sounds/*.uax Paths=/path/to/ut/Music/*.umx Suppress=DevLoad Suppress=DevSave Suppress=DevNetTraffic Suppress=DevGarbage Suppress=DevKill Suppress=DevReplace Suppress=DevSound Suppress=DevCompile Suppress=DevBind Suppress=DevBsp [Engine.GameEngine] CacheSizeMegs=4 UseSound=False ServerActors=IpDrv.UdpBeacon ServerActors=IpServer.UdpServerQuery ;ServerActors=IpServer.UdpServerUplink MasterServerAddress=unreal.epicgames.com MasterServerPort=27900 ;ServerActors=IpServer.UdpServerUplink MasterServerAddress=master0.gamespy.com MasterServerPort=27900 ;ServerActors=IpServer.UdpServerUplink MasterServerAddress=master.mplayer.com MasterServerPort=27900 ServerActors=UWeb.WebServer ServerPackages=SoldierSkins ServerPackages=CommandoSkins ServerPackages=FCommandoSkins ServerPackages=SGirlSkins ServerPackages=BossSkins ServerPackages=Botpack [Engine.Player] ConfiguredInternetSpeed=20000 ConfiguredLanSpeed=20000 [IpDrv.TcpNetDriver] AllowDownloads=True ConnectionTimeout=15.0 InitialConnectTimeout=300.0 AckTimeout=1.0 KeepAliveTime=0.2 MaxClientRate=20000 SimLatency=0 RelevantTimeout=5.0 SpawnPrioritySeconds=1.0 ServerTravelPause=4.0 NetServerMaxTickRate=20 LanServerMaxTickRate=35 DownloadManagers=IpDrv.HTTPDownload DownloadManagers=Engine.ChannelDownload [Engine.DemoRecDriver] DemoSpectatorClass=Botpack.CHSpectator MaxClientRate=25000 ConnectionTimeout=15.0 InitialConnectTimeout=500.0 AckTimeout=1.0 KeepAliveTime=1.0 SimLatency=0 RelevantTimeout=5.0 SpawnPrioritySeconds=1.0 ServerTravelPause=4.0 NetServerMaxTickRate=60 LanServerMaxTickRate=60 [Engine.GameReplicationInfo] ServerName=Generic UT Server ShortName=UT Server AdminName=Lamer AdminEmail=root@localhost Region=0 MOTDLine1= MOTDLine2= MOTDLine3= MOTDLine4= [IpDrv.TcpipConnection] SimPacketLoss=0 SimLatency=0 [IpServer.UdpServerUplink] DoUpLink=False UpdateMinutes=1 MasterServerPort=27900 [IpServer.UdpServerQuery] GameName=ut [IpDrv.UdpBeacon] DoBeacon=True BeaconTime=0.50 BeaconTimeout=5.0 BeaconProduct=ut [UMenu.UnrealConsole] RootWindow=UMenu.UMenuRootWindow UWindowKey=IK_Esc ShowDesktop=False [UMenu.UMenuMenuBar] ShowHelp=True GameUMenuDefault=UTMenu.UTGameMenu MultiplayerUMenuDefault=UTMenu.UTMultiplayerMenu OptionsUMenuDefault=UTMenu.UTOptionsMenu ModMenuClass=UMenu.UMenuModMenu [Botpack.ChallengeBotInfo] Difficulty=1 [Botpack.DeathMatchPlus] bNoviceMode=True bHardCoreMode=False bUseTranslocator=True bCoopWeaponMode=False MinPlayers=8 AirControl=0.350000 bChangeLevels=True bMegaSpeed=False bAltScoring=False bTournament=False NetWait=10 RestartWait=15 InitialBots=10 FragLimit=30 TimeLimit=0 bMultiWeaponStay=False bForceRespawn=False MaxCommanders=0 bNoMonsters=False bHumansOnly=False bClassicDeathMessages=False [Botpack.CTFGame] bUseTranslocator=True bCoopWeaponMode=True GoalTeamScore=3.000000 bNoTeamChanges=False FriendlyFireScale=0.000000 MaxTeams=2 MaxTeamSize=16 FragLimit=0 TimeLimit=0 bMultiWeaponStay=True bForceRespawn=False MaxCommanders=0 bNoMonsters=False bHumansOnly=True bClassicDeathMessages=False [Botpack.Domination] bDumbDown=True bUseTranslocator=True bCoopWeaponMode=True GoalTeamScore=100.000000 bNoTeamChanges=False FriendlyFireScale=0.000000 MaxTeams=2 MaxTeamSize=16 FragLimit=30 TimeLimit=0 bMultiWeaponStay=True bForceRespawn=False MaxCommanders=0 bNoMonsters=False bHumansOnly=False bClassicDeathMessages=False [Botpack.Assault] bUseTranslocator=False bCoopWeaponMode=True Defenses=3 SavedTime=0.000000 NumDefenses=0 CurrentDefender=0 bDefenseSet=False bTiePartOne=False GameCode= Part=1 bNoTeamChanges=False FriendlyFireScale=0.000000 MaxTeams=2 GoalTeamScore=0.000000 MaxTeamSize=16 FragLimit=0 TimeLimit=7 bMultiWeaponStay=False bForceRespawn=False MaxCommanders=2 bNoMonsters=False bHumansOnly=False bClassicDeathMessages=False [Botpack.TeamGamePlus] bBalanceTeams=True GoalTeamScore=30 bPlayersBalanceTeams=True [Engine.GameInfo] bLowGore=False bVeryLowGore=False bMuteSpectators=False bNoCheating=True bAllowFOV=False AutoAim=0.930000 GameSpeed=1.000000 MaxSpectators=2 AdminPassword= GamePassword= MaxPlayers=16 IPPolicies[0]=ACCEPT,* IPPolicies[1]= IPPolicies[2]= IPPolicies[3]= IPPolicies[4]= IPPolicies[5]= IPPolicies[6]= IPPolicies[7]= IPPolicies[8]= IPPolicies[9]= IPPolicies[10]= IPPolicies[11]= IPPolicies[12]= IPPolicies[13]= IPPolicies[14]= IPPolicies[15]= IPPolicies[16]= IPPolicies[17]= IPPolicies[18]= IPPolicies[19]= IPPolicies[20]= IPPolicies[21]= IPPolicies[22]= IPPolicies[23]= IPPolicies[24]= IPPolicies[25]= IPPolicies[26]= IPPolicies[27]= IPPolicies[28]= IPPolicies[29]= IPPolicies[30]= IPPolicies[31]= IPPolicies[32]= IPPolicies[33]= IPPolicies[34]= IPPolicies[35]= IPPolicies[36]= IPPolicies[37]= IPPolicies[38]= IPPolicies[39]= IPPolicies[40]= IPPolicies[41]= IPPolicies[42]= IPPolicies[43]= IPPolicies[44]= IPPolicies[45]= IPPolicies[46]= IPPolicies[47]= IPPolicies[48]= IPPolicies[49]= ServerLogName=server.log bLocalLog=True bWorldLog=True bBatchLocal=False DemoBuild=0 DemoHasTuts=0 bExternalBatcher=False bNoMonsters=False bHumansOnly=False bCoopWeaponMode=False bClassicDeathMessages=False [UnrealShare.UnrealGameOptionsMenu] bCanModifyGore=True [UWeb.WebServer] Applications[0]=UTServerAdmin.UTServerAdmin ApplicationPaths[0]=/ServerAdmin Applications[1]=UTServerAdmin.UTImageServer ApplicationPaths[1]=/images DefaultApplication=0 bEnabled=True ListenPort=5080 MaxConnections=30 [UTServerAdmin.UTServerAdmin] AdminUsername=utadmin AdminPassword=utpasswd MenuPage=menu RootPage=root CurrentPage=current CurrentMenuPage=current_menu CurrentIndexPage=current_index CurrentPlayersPage=current_players CurrentGamePage=current_game CurrentConsolePage=current_console CurrentConsoleLogPage=current_console_log CurrentConsoleSendPage=current_console_send DefaultSendText=say CurrentMutatorsPage=current_mutators CurrentRestartPage=current_restart DefaultsPage=defaults DefaultsMenuPage=defaults_menu DefaultsMapsPage=defaults_maps DefaultsRulesPage=defaults_rules DefaultsSettingsPage=defaults_settings DefaultsBotsPage=defaults_bots DefaultsServerPage=defaults_server DefaultsIPPolicyPage=defaults_ippolicy DefaultsRestartPage=defaults_restart MessageUHTM=message.uhtm DefaultBG=#aaaaaa HighlightedBG=#ffffff AdminRealm=UT Remote Admin Server [IpDrv.HTTPDownLoad] UseCompression=True [Engine.StatLog] LocalBatcherURL=../NetGamesUSA.com/ngStats/ngStatsUT LocalBatcherParams= LocalStatsURL=../NetGamesUSA.com/ngStats/html/ngStats_Main.html WorldBatcherURL=../NetGamesUSA.com/ngWorldStats/bin/ngWorldStats WorldBatcherParams=-d ../NetGamesUSA.com/ngWorldStats/logs -g UT WorldStatsURL=http://www.netgamesusa.com LocalLogDir=../Logs WorldLogDir=../NetGamesUSA.com/ngWorldStats/logs bWorldBatcherError=False [Botpack.TrainingDM] FragLimit=3 TimeLimit=0 bMultiWeaponStay=True bForceRespawn=False bUseTranslocator=False MaxCommanders=0 bNoMonsters=False bHumansOnly=False bCoopWeaponMode=False bClassicDeathMessages=False [Botpack.TrainingDOM] bDumbDown=True bNoTeamChanges=False FriendlyFireScale=0.000000 MaxTeams=2 GoalTeamScore=100.000000 MaxTeamSize=16 FragLimit=0 TimeLimit=0 bMultiWeaponStay=True bForceRespawn=False bUseTranslocator=True MaxCommanders=0 bNoMonsters=False bHumansOnly=False bCoopWeaponMode=True bClassicDeathMessages=False [UTMenu.UTServerSetupPage] bLanPlay=True [UTMenu.UTStartGameCW] Map=DM-Deck16][.unr GameType=BotPack.DeathMatchPlus MutatorList= bKeepMutators=False [Botpack.TDMmaplist] Maps[0]=DM-Liandri.unr Maps[1]=DM-Codex.unr Maps[2]=DM-Grinder.unr Maps[3]=DM-Pressure.unr Maps[4]=DM-HyperBlast.unr Maps[5]=DM-Peak.unr Maps[6]=DM-KGalleon.unr Maps[7]=DM-Turbine.unr Maps[8]=DM-StalwartXL.unr Maps[9]=DM-Curse][.unr Maps[10]=DM-Deck16][.unr Maps[11]=DM-Phobos.unr Maps[12]= Maps[13]= Maps[14]= Maps[15]= Maps[16]= Maps[17]= Maps[18]= Maps[19]= Maps[20]= Maps[21]= Maps[22]= Maps[23]= Maps[24]= Maps[25]= Maps[26]= Maps[27]= Maps[28]= Maps[29]= Maps[30]= Maps[31]= MapNum=0 [Botpack.TrainingCTF] bNoTeamChanges=False FriendlyFireScale=0.000000 MaxTeams=2 GoalTeamScore=3.000000 MaxTeamSize=16 FragLimit=0 TimeLimit=0 bMultiWeaponStay=True bForceRespawn=False bUseTranslocator=True MaxCommanders=0 bNoMonsters=False bHumansOnly=True bCoopWeaponMode=True bClassicDeathMessages=False [UTMenu.UTMenuBotmatchCW] Map=DM-Gothic.unr GameType=BotPack.DeathMatchPlus MutatorList= bKeepMutators=False [Botpack.ASMapList] Maps[0]=AS-Hispeed.unr Maps[1]=AS-Frigate.unr Maps[2]=AS-Rook.unr Maps[3]=AS-Mazon.unr Maps[4]=AS-OceanFloor.unr Maps[5]=AS-Overlord.unr Maps[6]=AS-Guardia.unr Maps[7]= Maps[8]= Maps[9]= Maps[10]= Maps[11]= Maps[12]= Maps[13]= Maps[14]= Maps[15]= Maps[16]= Maps[17]= Maps[18]= Maps[19]= Maps[20]= Maps[21]= Maps[22]= Maps[23]= Maps[24]= Maps[25]= Maps[26]= Maps[27]= Maps[28]= Maps[29]= Maps[30]= Maps[31]= MapNum=0 -----[snip]----- |
A few things of note here.
The following values should be changed before the server is launched for the first time:
[Core.System] Paths=../System/*.u Paths=/path/to/ut/Maps/*.unr Paths=/path/to/ut/Textures/*.utx Paths=/path/to/ut/Sounds/*.uax Paths=/path/to/ut/Music/*.umx |
Should all be set to where Unreal Tournament is installed.
[Engine.GameEngine] ;ServerActors=IpServer.UdpServerUplink |
Should be uncommented if you wish to link your Unreal Tournament server into an existing Unreal Tournament league and have it accessible over the Internet.
[IpServer.UdpServerUplink] DoUpLink=False |
Additionally, if you do want to link your UT server with an Internet league, you will need to allow UpLinking.
[Engine.Player] ConfiguredInternetSpeed=20000 |
This should be set to the allocated bandwidth (in bytes per second) for each player. Leaving it at the recommended 20000 is good.
[Engine.GameReplicationInfo] ServerName=Generic UT Server ShortName=UT Server AdminName=Lamer AdminEmail=root@localhost Region=0 MOTDLine1= MOTDLine2= MOTDLine3= MOTDLine4= |
All of that should be changed.
[Engine.GameInfo] AdminPassword= MaxPlayers=16 |
An admin password should be set, and the Max Players should be set to a sane value (See ConfiguredInternetSpeed).
[UWeb.WebServer] bEnabled=True ListenPort=5080 |
One of the most interesting aspects of running a UT server is the web-server interface for admins. By setting bEnabled to True and specifying a ListenPort, you can administer an UnrealTournament server via a normal Web Browser.
[UTServerAdmin.UTServerAdmin] AdminUsername=utadmin AdminPassword=utpasswd AdminRealm=UT Remote Admin Server |
If you do decide to run the UT Webserver interface (Recommended), the above values should be set. AdminRealm is less important, but will be used by your browser to know when to ask for the administrator username and password.
All other values should be checked and seasoned to taste.
To start the Unreal Tournament server, you will need to use the command "ucc server" and specify a few things on the command line. These being:
Mapname - Name of the map to start from the Maps/ directory, minus the .unr extension.
Gametype - One of Botpack.DeathMatchPlus, Botpack.Domination, Botpack.CTFGame.
INI - The config file to use to start the server.
LOG - the log file the server should use.
Port - (Optional) the port the UT server should use.
Most of this is specified in the config file, but the mapname and Gametype are required.
Here is an example:
$ ucc server "DM-Turbine?game=Botpack.DeathMatchPlus" ini=ucc.ini log=ucc.log |
I quoted the mapname and gametype because of the presence of the ? (Linux shells use that as a wild card) and because a lot of Unreal Tournament maps have odd characters in their name (DM-Deck16][ anyone?). I recommend they always be quoted.
Once the server starts, it will load the settings specified in the System/ucc.ini file and load the game.
I also recommend the server be started with the nohup command and placed in the background. All the configuration will take place in the web interface.
Administering the server is as easy as browsing a website. When you started the server, you should have seen something like this toward the end:
Spawning: IpDrv.UdpBeacon Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerQuery Spawning: UWeb.WebServer Bound to UWeb.so |
Notice the UWeb.Webserver and UWeb.so sections? Those are the webserver, and since it didn't give any errors, we know it's running.
Now, in the configuration section, you told it what port to listen on:
[UWeb.WebServer] bEnabled=True ListenPort=5080 |
So, to connect to the administration server, you would need to browse to http://utserver:5080/ServerAdmin
The first thing that will happen is that your browser will ask you for authentication. Back in the configuration file, we specified that:
[UTServerAdmin.UTServerAdmin] AdminUsername=utadmin AdminPassword=utpasswd AdminRealm=UT Remote Admin Server |
So in this case, you would sign in as utadmin with a password of utpasswd (You had better change these before you actually start the server).
Once you are authenticated, you are presented with an interface that allows you to specify the game type, map, number of bots and connections as well as kick and ban users. It's all very point-n-click.
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Generated: 2007-01-26 17:57:52