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Variable Cap. Int. Description(The following numeric capabilities are present in the SYSV term structure, but are not yet documented in the man page. Comments are from the term structure header.)Name Code
bit_image_entwining bitwin Yo Undocumented in SYSV
buffer_capacity bufsz Ya numbers of bytes buffered before printing
columns cols co Number of columns in a line
dot_vert_spacing spinv Yb spacing of dots horizontally in dots per inch
dot_horz_spacing spinh Yc spacing of pins vertically in pins per inch
init_tabs it it Tabs initially every # spaces
label_height lh lh rows in each label
label_width lw lw columns in each label
lines lines li Number of lines on screen or page
lines_of_memory lm lm Lines of memory if > lines. 0 means varies
magic_cookie_glitch xmc sg Number of blank chars left by smso or rmso
max_colors colors Co maximum numbers of colors on screen
max_micro_address maddr Yd maximum value in micro_..._address
max_micro_jump mjump Ye maximum value in parm_..._micro
max_pairs pairs pa maximum number of color-pairs on the screen
micro_col_size mcs Yf Character step size when in micro mode
micro_line_size mls Yg Line step size when in micro mode
no_color_video ncv NC video attributes that can't be used with colors
number_of_pins npins Yh numbers of pins in print-head
num_labels nlab Nl number of labels on screen
output_res_char orc Yi horizontal resolution in units per line
output_res_line orl Yj vertical resolution in units per line
output_res_horz_inch orhi Yk horizontal resolution in units per inch
output_res_vert_inch orvi Yl vertical resolution in units per inch
padding_baud_rate pb pb Lowest baud where cr/nl padding is needed
virtual_terminal vt vt Virtual terminal number (UNIX system)
width_status_line wsl ws No. columns in status line
bit_image_type bitype Yp Type of bit-image devicebuttons btns BT Number of mouse buttons
max_attributes ma ma Max combined attributes terminal can handle
maximum_windows wnum MW Max number of definable windows
print_rate cps Ym Print rate in chars per second
wide_char_size widcs Yn Char step size in double wide mode
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Generated: 2007-01-26 17:57:42