6.49. Installing Modutils-2.4.25

Estimated build time:           0.1 SBU
Estimated required disk space:  2.9 MB

6.49.1. Contents of Modutils

The Modutils package contains programs that you can use to work with kernel modules.

Installed programs: depmod, genksyms, insmod, insmod_ksymoops_clean, kallsyms (link to insmod), kernelversion, ksyms (link to insmod), lsmod (link to insmod), modinfo, modprobe (link to insmod) and rmmod (link to insmod)


6.49.3. Modutils Installation Dependencies

Modutils depends on: Bash, Binutils, Bison, Coreutils, Diffutils, Flex, GCC, Glibc, Grep, M4, Make, Sed.


6.49.5. Installation of Modutils

Prepare Modutils for compilation:


Compile the package:


And install it:

make install

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