Linux Consultants Guide

Joshua Drake

v10 May 2005

This is a www.TheLinuxReview.Com Document for the Linux Documentation Project.

The current version of the Consultants Guide is v8.0 and contains major changes. Specifically, all listings only contain basic information. If you would like to see detailed information about a particular consultant you will have to click on the associated link. There are over 1800 consultants in this list.

If you are reading this HOWTO on a connection that is 56K or less we strongly suggest you use the online search located at:

Also, iff you are not using a link capable format, such as postscript you may search for the consultant by name or city at

Table of Contents
1. License and Copyright
2. How can I help?
2.1. Adding/Managing your Consultants Guide entry
2.2. Assisting with the Consultants Guide
3. United Arab Emirates
3.1. Computerage Services & Technologies LLC
3.2. GoldenSun Internet Consulting & Research
3.3. Integra Solutions
3.4. JM Infotech Solutions STPI
3.5. Networkgulf Information Technology
3.6. New Horizons Computer Learning Centers Dubai
3.7. oasys
3.8. opensourcecd
3.9. WHIZSOFT Technologies
4. Argentina
4.1. ADC Net S.A.
4.2. BASystem
4.3. BlueTech
4.4. CompuSoft
4.5. CyberWare Information Technology
4.6. Decware S.A.
4.7. DevelGroup / CodersCorp
4.8. diff Inform�tica
4.9. Eureka!
4.10. Geminis
4.11. Generic Soft
4.12. House Internet S.R.L.
4.13. Idoneos
4.14. InterNEA
4.15. Intrasoft
4.16. Javier Smaldone
4.17. Jorge Forte
4.18. Logic Linux
4.19. NIXE S.R.L.
4.20. Opengeeks Solutions Argentina
4.21. Openware
4.22. Servilinux
4.23. SolucionesPuntoCom
4.24. Tercer Milenio
4.25. Thinbox
4.26. Tuxar
5. Austria
5.1. AVALON Computersystem GmbH.
5.2. BERGMANN engineering & consulting
5.3. Bitsniz Data Systems
5.4. Brunner Webhosting
5.6. Cybertec Geschwinde & Schoenig
5.7. Cybertec Geschwinde & Schoenig
5.8. Datenk�che
5.9. Dialog Data GmbH
5.10. EDV-Beratung F.Ganter
5.11. EDV-Consult
5.13. eyeCatch
5.14. g.a.m.s. edv-dienstleistungen gmbh
5.15. HEXAGON EDV-Dienstleistungen
5.16. Horus GmbH
5.17. iDAS
5.18. Idata GmbH
5.19. JM-DATA, Inh. Juergen Meixner
5.20. LANsolutions
5.21. LINUX@work
5.22. LinzNet
5.23. LISCON GmbH
5.25. metamagix, fa randolph kepplinger
5.26. M.T.G. Handelsges.m.b.H.
5.27. OGS, Software-Development, IT-Consulting & IT-Training
5.28. openForce Information Technology GesmbH
5.29. PSI Providing Services for the Internet
5.30. Raschbacher Thomas EDV Dienstleistungen
5.31. Sebastian Fuchs (
5.32. smartferret it-consulting
5.33. Software- und Internetsupport Schauer
5.34. turnkey solutions
5.35. White Mountain IT-Solutions
5.36. ZMI EDV
6. Australia
6.1. 2000 Computers & Networks
6.2. AccessOz
6.3. Aden Computing
6.4. Alan Harper
6.5. A Perfect PC
6.6. ARP Information Technology
6.7. Blue Roo Software Pty Ltd
6.8. BMIS Pty Ltd
6.9. Brett Henrich
6.10. Charles Hodgson - Scirocco Linux Systems
6.11. Clinux
6.12. Combined Computer Professionals Pty Ltd
6.13. Computer Clinic (WA) Pty Ltd
6.14. CyberKnights P/L
6.15. Cybersite Consulting Pty Ltd
6.16. Cybersource Pty. Ltd.
6.17. DataSource Pty. Ltd
6.18. Daveytronics
6.19. Descartes Australia
6.20. Digital Guru
6.21. Echo Labs
6.22. EMUSYS Unix Consulting
6.23. Farrow Norris
6.24. Hinterlands Consultancy
6.25. Informed Technology Pty Ltd
6.26. Innovative Reckoning
6.27. Jigsaw Techonlogy Pty Ltd
6.28. John Pearson
6.30. Linuxbandwagon Pty. Ltd.
6.31. Linux Garden
6.32. Linux Worx
6.33. Marpware Pty Ltd
6.34. Miju Systems Pty Ltd
6.35. Montage Systems Pty. Ltd.
6.36. NetCraft Australia Pty Ltd
6.37. Netizen Pty Ltd
6.38. NS Computer Software & Services P/L
6.39. Open Fusion
6.40. Paladin Corporation Pty Ltd
6.41. Paradigm IT Consulting
6.42. Pentire
6.43. Perlboy Productions
6.44. Perl Training Australia
6.45. PGTS Pty Ltd
6.46. picoSpace
6.47. ProLinux
6.48. Queensland Corporate Networks Pty. Ltd.
6.49. Raster Solutions
6.50. Rexursive
6.51. Secure Visions Pty. Ltd.
6.52. Serious Cybernetics
6.54. Stewart Technical Consulting. (VIC)
6.55. Studio of Arts And Sciences (SAAS)
6.56. Sydnet Group Pty Ltd
6.57. SysReq
6.58. Systemsolve Pty Ltd
6.59. Tenton Open Source Business Solutions
6.60. TereDonn Computer Engineering
6.61. Terminus Network Services
6.62. Throughput IT
6.63. Togatux
6.64. WeiTech Development
6.65. Wotech
7. Bosnia and Herzegovina
7.2. Mladen Adamovic
7.3. Whitefield Computers
7.4. Whitefield Computers
8. Bangladesh
8.1. billcomms
8.2. Ahamed Bauani
8.3. Bill Communications
8.4. Information Services Network Limited
8.5. Media Creation
8.6. PCAID Online Ltd.
8.7. Polaris Systems / Inc.
8.8. Sufi Online
8.9. VAS Digital Communications Ltd.
9. Belgium
9.1. abc Linux @ TelAxion Europe
9.2. Alchimerys
9.3. Aldorado
9.4. Alexandre Dulaunoy
9.5. Arafox
9.6. Barnes & Morgan nv
9.7. BARTH Group's
9.8. Better Access NV
9.9. BNUX SA
9.10. Burning Frog
9.12. CompuSense bvba
9.13. CoolNet
9.14. CoreSequence
9.15. dbexperts sprl
9.16. Double Barrel Consultancy & Productions
9.17. DS Improve
9.18. Eauzone
9.19. ELiSA
9.20. ESIV bvba
9.21. (Executive NV division)
9.22. FD Informatica Consulting
9.23. Frederic Horn
9.24. Gilles Douillet
9.25. Glasshouse Business Networks
9.26. Hellea sprl
9.27. iLibris
9.28. information technology partners
9.29. InterServe Communications
9.30. IP Net Generation
9.31. Jean-Noel Colin
9.32. Lemi-Consult
9.33. Linugen
9.34. LinuxIdee
9.36. Logartisis
9.37. Mind nv
9.38. NEOlabs
9.39. Opensides
9.40. OPen SYstems eXpertise
9.41. OPSYX
9.42. Raphael Bauduin
9.43. RealROOT bvba
9.44. SA System Services
9.45. SPIER bvba
9.47. Stone-IT N.V.
9.48. TelAxion Europe Multimedia
9.49. Th�ridion
9.50. VirgoPlus
9.51. XatraX
9.52. X-Tend
10. Bulgaria
10.1. BGone
10.2. ITCE Ltd.
10.3. OpenIntegra Ltd.
10.4. University of Mining and Geology, Dept. Computer S
10.5. Vladimir Moushkov
11. Bahrain
11.1. Queen computers W.L.L
12. Bermuda
12.1. One Unified
13. Brazil
13.1. 1Zappi Tecnologia Eletronica Ltda
13.2. 4Web Internet
13.3. Aberium Systems
13.4. Abner Graham Jacobsen
13.5. ACOL Consultoria e Sistemas
13.6. Aeon Technologies
13.7. aIPiWorks Network Consulting
13.8. Alfama Servicos em Informatica Ltda
13.9. Andr� Luiz Rodrigues Ferreira
13.10. Async Open Source
13.11. Bragasoft Inform�tica
13.12. Carlos Delfino
13.13. Carlos Delfino
13.14. Carlos Henrique Moreira
13.15. Checchia.NET
13.16. Definitiva - Novo Hamburgo - RS
13.17. Deluan Cotts Quint�o
13.18. Dextra Solucoes
13.19. Dextra Solucoes em Informatica
13.20. DIR Brasil
13.21. E-ConsultingBiz.Com
13.22. Elton Sim�es Baptista
13.23. Fernando Mauro Martins
13.24. Forte Network Ltda.
13.25. Four Net Teleinformatica
13.26. Giovanni P. Tirloni
13.27. Gleydson Mazioli da Silva
13.28. GlobalWorks IT Solutions
13.29. Henrique Wendell Sales de Abreu
13.30. Informatica Junior - Puc-Campinas
13.31. INFOX Sistemas e Computadores Ltda
13.32. I-node Tecnologia Internet
13.33. iSNet Servi�os de Informatica
13.34. JGQ Consultoria Ltda
13.35. Kernel LinuxRO
13.36. Kleber Nery de Almeida
13.39. L�o Carlos S. Costa
13.40. Lumina Informatica Ltda
13.41. Memphis Network Service Ltd
13.42. Millennium Consultoria e Inform�tica Ltda.
13.43. NetRiders
13.44. nixware ltda.
13.45. Nunix Consultoria de Informatica Ltda
13.46. Onlinet Com. Serv. de Inform�tica Ltda.
13.47. PAX Consultoria
13.48. Pragana, Filhos E Cia Ltda
13.49. Prefeitura Municipal de Salvador
13.50. Quil Assessoria e Consultoria em Informatica Ltda.
13.51. Redbox Networks S/C Ltda
13.52. Red Horse Informatica
13.55. Rodrigo Barbosa
13.56. Rodrigo Cesar Lopes Belem
13.57. RWM Consultoria e Treinamento
13.58. Solutions ICC
13.59. Starix Informatica Ltda
13.60. Techwave Inform�tica Ltda
13.61. TELEMATICA Coml. de Teleinform�tica Ltda.
13.62. TriForSec
13.63. Unsecurity Systems
13.64. ViaBsb TI
13.65. VisualBook
13.67. XML Consultoria em Inform�tica
14. Bahamas
14.1. Ideas & Information Ltd.
15. Canada
15.1. Not Specified
15.2. Alberta
15.3. British Columbia
15.4. Manitoba
15.5. New Brunswick
15.6. Not Specified
15.7. Nova Scotia
15.8. Ontario
15.9. Quebec
15.10. Saskatchewan
15.11. Not Specified
16. Switzerland
16.1. -1- Computer
16.2. 3T
16.4. BFI Bureau Fiduciaire Informatique
16.5. Blue Saturn GmbH
16.6. BlueSaturn GmbH
16.8. canal systems
16.9. Costard Solutions
16.10. Didier Frick, Freelance Software Engineer
16.11. ElectroDoctor
16.12. ETV Software Engineering S.A.
16.13. Eurisco Information Systems
16.14. FreeLance Consultant
16.15. Genoud Asset Managment AG
16.16. Griff-IT Ltd
16.17. InfoDevice Sagl
16.18. LANsys Connectivity
16.19. LynuxSolutions S�rl
16.20. LynuxTraining S�rl
16.21. NETNEA AG
16.22. Net Oxygen
16.23. Nimag Networks S�rl
16.24. Penta Group AG
16.25. Philippe STRAUSS
16.26. ProLibre S�rl
16.27. SciOS Scientific Operating Systems GmbH
16.28. Sensaco Consulting GmbH
16.29. solutec - Internet Code Generation
16.30. solutec - Internet Code Generation
16.31. solutec - Internet Code Generation
16.32. Sphax Systems
16.33. SYLOG Consulting SA
16.34. Technology Solutions
16.35. Traxx Network
16.36. Wescom GmbH
16.37. Ynternet
17. Cote d'Ivoire
17.1. Soleka ICT Group
18. Chile
18.1. AquaCom
18.2. Corporacion Linux S.A.
18.3. Humboldt Linux
18.4. Marcelo Castillo L.
18.5. QlSoftware
18.6. Rodrigo Henriquez M.
19. China
19.1. a student
19.2. LinuxAlliance.Net
19.4. Unihub Global Network
20. Colombia (Columbia)
20.1. Alfonso Ram�rez B.
20.2. Analitica - MD
20.3. Andres Almanza
20.4. Andres Ricardo Almanza Junco
20.5. CaribeNet
20.7. Dayscript Ltda.
20.8. GestionLinux
20.9. Grupo Lugunar
20.10. Guillermo Buritica Tobon
20.11. Hipertek Ltda
20.12. iBand Networks LTDA
20.13. Jorge Mario Calvo L.
20.14. Lector Systems Ltda.
20.15. Linux Colombia Ltda
20.16. Mois�s David Rinc�n D'Hoyos
20.17. Msoft
20.18. Nivel Siete
20.20. Skina Ltda.
20.21. Soluciones KAZAK
20.22. Tienda Linux
20.23. Tienda Linux
20.24. T.Point Ltda.
20.25. Ubiquando LTDA
21. Costa Rica
21.2. HDE Group
21.3. Mariano Dilascio
22. Cyprus
22.1. Kyriacos Sakkas
22.2. NexTec Alliance Ltd.
23. Czech Republic
23.1. Bohemian Enterprise
23.3. LinWorx s.r.o.
23.4. Martin Knotek, poskytovani software
23.5. Miroslav Petricek
23.6. Robert Vojta
24. Germany
24.1. 4-WARD Consulting GmbH
24.2. A. Dreyer IT
24.3. A. Dreyer IT
24.4. Alexander Khine EDV-Service
24.5. Andreas Spengler EDV-Service
24.6. ariadne_net
24.7. BBCONS GmbH
24.8. Beck Datentechnik
24.9. Bigge & Langanke GbR
24.10. b.i.t. Beratungsgesellschaft f�r Informations-Technologie
24.11. Call-a-Server
24.12. Carl Wenninger
24.13. Carl Wenninger
24.14. CBITS
24.15. Channe One GmbH
24.16. CHIRON
24.17. Compuphil GmbH
24.18. condero Aktiengesellschaft
24.19. conIT GmbH
24.20. credativ GmbH
24.21. Cutting Edge
24.22. Cytux
24.23. DENX Software Engineering
24.24. dev consulting GmbH
24.25. Dipl- Ing. IT Wolfgang Kirch
24.26. Dipl.-Ing. Marcus Wolf
24.28. dynamis EDV-Consulting
24.29. EDV Beratung Dipl.-Ing. Matthias Kahle
24.30. EDV-Beratung Neps
24.31. EDV Dienstleistungen
24.32. envi.con KG
24.33. / Hamacher, Zulauf IT Solutions
24.34. Files Per Hour
24.35. foobar GmbH
24.36. Franken IT Concepts
24.37. frontsite AG
24.38. Fruehbrodt IT-Consulting
24.39. Gecko GmbH
24.40. Gerd Aschemann
24.41. GONICUS GmbH
24.42. GreimConsulting
24.43. Grosch & Link GmbH
24.44. Herbort Rottsch�fer IT-Konzeptionen
24.45. HSS Hard & Soft Sytemberatung GmbH
24.46. ID-Pro GmbH
24.47. INCONET - International Consulting Network
24.48. in-put GbR
24.49. INTERMETA - Gesellschaft f�r Mehrwertdienste mbH
24.50. interSales AG Internet Commerce
24.51. intraDAT GmbH
24.52. ipm intranet project management gmbh
24.53. IT Consulting Wolfinger
24.54. IT-Service Drillich
24.55. IT Service Pahne
24.56. i.t webdevelopment
24.57. Jausoft - Sven Goethel Software Development
24.58. Jochen Laser IT-Services
24.59. just network services gmbh
24.60. KLIQ! e.K
24.61. KonzepCom EDV Consulting
24.62. LETRAS
24.63. Levante Software Dr. Tilo Levante
24.64. LiHAS Linuxhaus
24.65. LINET Services GbR
24.66. linunet GmbH
24.67. Linuxhaus
24.68. linux-install
24.69. LINUXISP.DE (4-WARD Consulting GmbH Global Service Division)
24.70. Linux Network Consulting GbR
24.71. Linux-Systemhaus Schulz
24.72. loth systemtechnik
24.73. Lutz Badenheuer IT-Consulting
24.74. Manfred Kunde EDV-Beratung
24.75. MARC Mannheim Rail Commerce GmbH
24.76. Markus Willems
24.77. Mathias Kettner
24.78. Matthias Stolte Datentechnik
24.79. Michael Bussmann EDV-Dienstleistungen
24.80. Michael Herz Softwareentwicklung
24.81. Michael HIntz
24.82. Michael Krause Software-Entwicklung
24.83. Neteligent GmbH
24.84. net-lab digital services
24.85. Netropol Digitale Systeme Gmbh
24.86. netServe oHG M�nster
24.87. NetUSE GmbH
24.88. networks
24.89. Not_Applicable
24.90. Nova Lisa IT
24.91. OMSE Oliver Mueller Software Engineering GmbH
24.92. O&O Services GmbH
24.93. OpenIT GmbH
24.94. OpenSource Security
24.95. - Linux - IT Service
24.96. Picht Consulting
24.97. PiN Ges. f. Informationstechnologie mbH
24.98. probusiness AG
24.99. ralf geschke internet consulting
24.100. regioconnect GmbH
24.101. Sales Connection
24.102. sci-network gmbh
24.103. SDC GmbH
24.104. SDC GmbH
24.105. Simulina GmbH
24.106. SuSE GmbH
24.107. SuSE M�nchen GmbH
24.108. SuSE Rhein/Main AG
24.109. SYBCOM GmbH
24.110. Sydakom GmbH
24.111. SYSLABCOM GmbH
24.112. Systemhaus Hai T�ck
24.113. talicom GmbH
24.114. TDS Consulting GmbH
24.115. Tegtmeier Internet Solutions
24.116. Telematik- und Systemberatung Oliver Klee
24.117. Netzdienste GmbH
24.118. information technology
24.119. TuxConsult
24.120. unitegs - Unix Systems Technologies
24.121. Uwe Sch�rkamp IT Consulting Services
24.122. WebArtists Internet Services
24.123. webWare GdbR
24.124. Wolfgang Kirch
24.125. WorNet AG
24.126. X-ITEC
24.127. Xtelligent IT Consulting GmbH
24.128. Xtops.DE
24.129. zac
24.130. Zentric GmbH & Co KG
24.131. ZeRo EDV-Service Zerwes & Rohner GbR
24.132. zero-sys
25. Denmark
25.1. 1stFrontstore
25.2. Arnecke Informatik
25.3. BestBrains ApS
25.4. cHBs
25.5. Dansk Data Elektronik A S
25.6. Dansk WebService - LinuXperten
25.7. Dawn Solutions I/S
25.8. Enable IT
25.9. Groenbjerg Data Aps
25.10. Hansen Telecom
25.11. RoseTechnology A/S
25.12. SuperUsers
25.13. Xenux ApS
26. Dominican Republic
26.1. Cyborg Computadoras
26.2. Cyborg Computadoras
26.3. Linux Dominicana
26.4. microbell
27. Ecuador
27.1. High Telecom Ltd.
27.2. PaloSanto Solutions
28. Estonia
28.1. SOT Finnish Software Engineering O�
29. Egypt
29.1. 2BITS
29.2. Linux Middle East
29.3. Linux Plus Information Systems
29.4. Raul Mahiques Martinez
30. Spain
30.1. ACOTEL Informatica y Telecomunicaciones
30.2. adefont
30.3. ALSERnet 2000 S.L.
30.4. Atica Sistemas, SL
30.5. Biocora Consultores S.L.
30.6. Cometa Technologies, S.L.
30.7. Dise�o de Software S.L.
30.8. Goa OpenSystems
30.9. HA-Linux
30.10. InfoLinux, S.L.
30.11. Innovacion y Futuro s.l.
30.12. ISIS, S.L.
30.13. Josep Lladonosa
30.14. Kenneth Peiruza
30.16. Linux Sistemas
30.17. Maestrat Net S.L.
30.18. Netlance S.L.
30.19. Oasys Soft S.L.
30.20. Pronet Informatica, S.L.
30.21. Ribeco Spain S.A. (RIBECO GROUP)
30.22. RocacorBIT
30.23. SeguriNet - Seguridad en Sistemas de Informaci�n
30.24. SOSsec
30.25. Sotogrande Technical Consulting, SL
30.26. TTD Production Consultoria Informatica
30.27. Victor Sanahuja
30.28. XINU
30.29. Xose Vazquez Perez
31. Finland
31.1. Creanor
31.2. Hannu Valtanen Ltd
31.3. iQs Partners Finland
31.4. iQs Partners Finland
31.5. Lineox, Inc.
31.6. Midian Communications
31.7. Netsol Network Solutions Oy
31.8. Oy Zeerio Net Solutions Ab
31.9. Sami J. Laine
31.10. SOT Finnish Sofware Engineering Ltd.
31.11. Tavasti Solutions Oy
31.12. Tmi Netics Konsultointi
31.13. Toni Willberg
31.14. UNX-Consulting
31.15. Xetpoint Oy
32. France
32.1. abc Linux @ TelAxion
32.2. Absolute Resources
32.4. Actinux
32.5. Adequat
32.6. Alcove
32.7. Apartia
32.10. Astux
32.11. ATRID
32.12. Badri Mohamed
32.13. BRUA Pierre
32.15. CAWETE
32.16. CIO Informatique Industrielle
32.17. CKR Solutions
32.18. CRAO
32.19. Delta Technologies Sud-Est
32.20. Easter-eggs
32.21. Easter-eggs
32.23. Eikonex
32.24. Eriam Schaffter
32.25. Erian Concept
32.27. Fran�ois MICAUX
32.28. Gilles LAMIRAL
32.29. hasgard, syst�mes et r�seaux
32.30. Henry Jerome
32.31. Hubert Gregoire
32.32. IDEALX
32.33. IDEALX
32.34. INL
32.36. IONIX Services
32.37. IRCI S.A.
32.38. IUX / Jean-Christophe ARNU
32.39. Ivan Kanis
32.40. Jose Rubio
32.41. Laurent DIDIER
32.42. Linbox/Free&ALter Soft
32.43. LogicaCMG France
32.44. ManPCI
32.45. Mataru
32.47. Mehdi Hamida
32.48. MULTIM
32.49. Niteris- Luc Ducelier
32.50. NTCD
32.52. OPEN VIA
32.53. Orvall
32.54. Paul Boyer Consultants Sarl
32.55. Philippe Thoirey
32.56. PimenTech
32.58. realink organization
32.59. Robert Thiel
32.60. Rodolphe Quiedeville
32.61. sokram inc
32.62. TelAxion Multimedia
32.63. THALIX
32.64. T-Systems - Soleri
32.65. Virtual Net
33. Unlisted Country
33.1. DONNADIEU Jean-Luc
33.2. EVOLIX
33.3. Guillaume BOUGARD
33.4. ITENEC
33.5. Libertalia
33.6. Linux@Business
33.7. STARTX
34. United Kingdom
34.1. 01linux Ltd
34.2. A1 Consultancy
34.3. Abby Ltd
34.4. Acetechno Solutions Ltd
34.5. Achean
34.6. Alcove UK
34.7. Aleph One
34.8. Alexios IT Consultancy
34.9. Angelow Consultancy
34.10. Angledata Consultants Ltd
34.11. AP Fraser IT Consultancy
34.12. Assertica Solutions
34.13. Assursys Computing Ltd
34.14. AstariX Alternative Solutions
34.15. Audax Computer Services Ltd
34.16. AVALONIX Linux Systems Support
34.17. Below Zero
34.18. Brendan Burrill
34.19. Bytemark Computer Consulting
34.20. ChyGwyn Limited
34.21. CiteCall Ltd.
34.22. Citrus-Lime Limited
34.23. Limited
34.24. Computacenter
34.25. Consus Limited
34.26. DGA
34.27. DG Network Consultancy
34.28. Dragon Technology Ltd
34.29. Dranton Limited
34.30. e-Guy
34.31. eh7 Internet Ltd
34.32. Enterprise Management Consulting
34.33. Entora Ltd
34.34. Fervent Software
34.35. FGM Technology LTD EuroDev Cybernetics LTD
34.36. Fulford Consulting Ltd
34.37. GBdirect
34.38. Gentle Mass Limited
34.39. GoodChoice.iT
34.40. Grzesiek Sedek
34.41. ltd.
34.42. Harris Consulting
34.43. Hauraki Systems Ltd
34.44. iCode Systems Ltd
34.45. Integrics Ltd
34.46. Internet Adventure Ltd
34.47. ITSolve Ltd
34.48. Ituna Solutions Limited
34.49. Jason Clifford
34.50. Jason Clifford
34.51. Jaztek Ltd
34.52. J.S Unix Consultants Ltd
34.53. Labrat Computing Ltd
34.54. Lightwood Consultancy Ltd
34.55. linux4biz
34.56. linux4biz
34.57. Linux Consultants Ltd
34.58. Linux Technologies
34.59. Linx Consultancy LTD
34.60. Linxit Limited
34.61. Lionheart Data Systems Limited
34.62. LOOK Systems
34.63. Luminas Ltd
34.64. MacLeod Group
34.65. Marketgrid Ltd
34.66. Matt Wright Consulting
34.67. MeaPhone
34.68. MEIT
34.69. metacircles ltd
34.70. Michiel Dethmers
34.71. Modus (Scotland) Ltd
34.72. MPC Data Limited
34.73. MultiThread Consultants Ltd
34.74. Neo Solutions UK
34.75. netSimple Ltd
34.76. Newton Solutions Ltd
34.77. Nixe Limited
34.78. Oakhaven Consultants Ltd
34.79. Open Answers
34.80. Openia Ltd.
34.81. Openstrike
34.82. Optimus UK Limited
34.83. OS INTEGRATION Limited
34.84. Peninsular Penguin
34.85. PinGNU Systems Ltd
34.86. Pixie Systems
34.87. Psand Ltd
34.88. Reason Technology Ltd
34.89. RedAmazon
34.90. Redmar Consulting Ltd
34.91. RedWire
34.92. Ridge Systems
34.93. Rygannon Software
34.94. Scotonline
34.95. Server Solutions Limited
34.96. Share Net International Ltd
34.97. Si Media Ltd
34.98. Sirius IT
34.99. Skills 1st Ltd
34.100. SlashTCO Limited
34.101. Small World
34.102. Solution-i Ltd.
34.103. Team 7
34.104. Tetrapod Communications, Inc.
34.105. The FGM Partnership
34.106. The Linux Academy
34.107. The Linux Consultancy
34.108. The Penguin Factory
34.109. thorNET
34.110. Tim Hawes IT Limited
34.111. Tsiolkovsky Solutions
34.112. Watershed Consultants Ltd
34.113. Weaver Web Ltd
34.114. Wingpath Limited
34.115. Xensia LLP
34.116. Xynica Limited
35. Greece
35.1. Dimitris Alifantis
35.3. Mikros Kosmos
35.4. - The Linux Experts
36. Guatemala
36.1. Sky Net Linux
36.2. Soluciones Intranet, S.A.
37. Guyana
37.1. McDermott Information Systems
38. Hong Kong
38.1. 3GVisions Technology Ltd
38.2. 3GVisions Technology Ltd.
38.3. Asia(HKSAR), Yoric Network Limited
38.4. Avacue Limited
38.5. Cyber Channel Int'l Ltd
38.6. Genesis Systems Int'l Ltd.
38.7. Gremlins Associates
38.8. GuruBase Technology Limited
38.9. Hong Kong Terminal
38.10. Linux Center (Hong Kong) Ltd.
38.11. Linux System Solution Limited
38.12. Manmahine Systems Consultants Limited
38.13. Newel Systems Ltd
38.14. ShaoLin Microsystems Ltd.
38.15. Techive Linux Consultant Hong Kong ( HK )
38.16. Uniforce System Ltd.
38.17. Vortex Ltd.
38.18. Vortex Ltd.
38.19. Wresinux Technology Limited
39. Honduras
39.1. Jose D. Gomez
40. Hungary
40.1. Anemo Ltd.
40.2. BalaBit Bt.
40.3. FullNET Kft
40.4. GNK Soft Kft.
41. Indonesia
41.2. Antartika Solusi Komunikasi
41.3. Bentala Piranti Global, PT
41.4. Cakrawala Internet Cafe
41.5. DutNux Internet Technologies
41.6. MajorLinux Consulting
41.7. MCS - Outsourcing Solutions
41.8. Nayaga Reka Media Aplika, PT
41.9. Netindo Pusaka Prima pt.
41.10. netSuite Informatika
41.11. PT Cakram DataLingga Duaribu
41.13. Trabas Informatika Indonesia
41.14. Transformaonline, PT
41.15. Verinux Linux Systems, PT
41.16. WAPrima Information System
42. Ireland
42.1. Bayridge Computers Ltd.
42.2. Cregganna Computer Consultants Ltd
42.3. Lionra Support Services Ltd.
42.4. O'
42.5. SyberNet Ltd.
42.6. The Little Linux Factory
43. Israel
43.1. Ampersand Advise and Support Ltd.
43.2. Breakthrough LTD
43.3. CSTS Technical Services Ltd.
43.4. db@net
43.5. Fenster Software
43.6. Init Computers
43.7. Kdo Co.
43.8. Linnovate
43.9. PF1 Systems Ltd.
43.10. Reuven Lerner -- Communications Consulting Ltd.
43.11. Startcom (Group)
43.12. Thought Systems Ltd
43.13. Tuvik Beker - Consulting Services
43.14. UbXess
43.15. vPrise
44. India
44.1. Abhishek Inc.
44.2. Adroit Inc
44.3. ak hooja
44.4. A.KINI & Co.
44.5. Algologic Research & Solutions
44.6. Anil Consulting
44.7. Animesh Bansriyar
44.8. Annova Technologies Private Limited
44.9. Anshuman IT services
44.10. Any-X Ministrations
44.11. Apex Technologies and solutions
44.12. Archean Infotech Limited
44.13. Atanu M
44.14. Atul Chitnis
44.15. AVsquare NS3
44.16. Bajirao Technologies Private Limited
44.17. Blue Cap Linux Consultent
44.18. Brijesh R Patel
44.19. Buchibabu Tungam
44.20. Bulwark Systems
44.21. cExams
44.22. Cisto Consultants
44.23. Codito Technologies
44.24. Connect Solutions
44.25. Cybermax
44.26. D10 Softare Systems
44.27. DeepRoot Linux
44.28. Dhiyo Info Solutions
44.29. DSF Internet Services
44.30. Elitecore Technologies Ltd.
44.31. Emax Software
44.32. Enterux Solutions
44.33. Enterux Solutions
44.34. Exocore Consulting (P) Limited
44.35. Ezee Online
44.36. e-Zest Solutions Pvt. Ltd
44.37. Freelancing consultant
44.38. Generation Eight
44.39. GratiSource Solutions (P) Ltd.
44.40. Growth Compusoft Exports Ltd.
44.41. Hotpchelp
44.42. ICSoft
44.43. Indserve Infotech Pvt. Ltd.
44.44. Indus Net Technologies
44.46. Intila Systems
44.48. IT-OM Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
44.49. i-Tutor
44.50. Ivory Infotech
44.51. Jayaram Ampolu
44.52. Kandalaya
44.53. Kingsly Instrumentation & Communication Pvt. Ltd.
44.54. K K Software Services
44.55. Lateral Software Technology Pvt Ltd
44.56. LinTechnokrats
44.57. linux4u
44.58. LinuxBEE
44.59. Linux Bite Labs
44.61. Linux Learning Centre
44.62. Linux Mavericks
44.63. Linux Mavericks
44.64. LinuxPoint
44.65. Linux Supports
44.66. LinuxWorks
44.67. lnXtribe techworks
44.68. Lynus Academy
44.69. Master Computers
44.70. Mgn Network Solutions
44.71. pvt ltd
44.73. NeoLinux Solutions
44.74. Neo Solutions
44.75. Netangle Com Pvt ltd
44.77. nixCraft
44.78. Norrix Associates
44.79. Ojha Info Systems
44.80. Online Productivity Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
44.81. Opensys Technologies
44.82. panam solutions pvt. Ltd.
44.83. Parth Information Technology
44.84. Penguin India Linux Solutions (P) Ltd.
44.85. Penguin Lab
44.86. Prangya Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
44.87. Prasad Electronics
44.88. Quest Technologies Inc.
44.89. Raghuram Software Consultancy
44.90. Ramakrishna
44.91. Ramshyam Communications Limited
44.92. Rohan Almeida
44.93. Santosh Kumar Pasi
44.94. SAR Softech Pvt. Ltd.
44.95. Savitr Software Services
44.96. Sesco Information Systems Limited
44.97. Shah Micro System
44.99. Simblos Designs (P) Limited
44.101. Siva Kumar Reddy Ghanta
44.102. Smart Network
44.103. Solanix Technologies
44.104. Sumeru Software Solutions
44.105. Sunlight
44.106. Synapse Communications Pvt. Ltd.
44.107. Synergics Infosys
44.108. TecExperts
44.109. Technico Servizio
44.110. TechnoInfosys
44.111. Tetra Information Services Pvt. Ltd
44.112. Tetra Information Services Pvt. Ltd.
44.113. the 4 consultants
44.114. ThoughtCell
44.115. Unisoul
44.116. Unity Electro Systems (P) Ltd
44.117. vinayRas Infotech
44.118. visionit
44.119. Visual Net Pvt. Limited
44.120. Welcome2solutions
44.121. Welcome2solutions
44.122. Winways Systems Private Limited
44.124. XNet Inc.
44.125. Yukthi Systems Pvt. Ltd.
44.126. ZeOmega
44.127. Zudha Technology Pvt Ltd
45. Iran (Islamic Republic of)
45.1. BCSC
45.2. Rahpouyan Fanavari
46. Italy
46.1. abc-linux
46.2. Acme Solutions srl
46.3. AC Open di Andrea Cittadini Bellini
46.4. actionline srl
46.5. ADA Consulting s.r.l.
46.6. adMin srl
46.7. ALCA s.r.l.
46.8. Alessandro Muzzetta
46.9. Alessandro Pittaluga
46.10. Alessandro Rubini
46.11. Alessio Maria Braccini
46.12. Amodiovalerio Verde
46.13. Apsis S.r.l.
46.14. AT Sicurezzarete
46.15. BDR Technologies srl
46.16. Bertera Pietro
46.17. CB Consulting
46.18. CBS - Cecchi Business Solutions
46.19. Collini Consulting s.a.s.
46.20. Conecta Telematica srl
46.21. decsys
46.22. DSPLABS S.r.l.
46.23. Dusotech
46.24. e.BizStudio - The e-Specialist
46.25. EFFEUNO Informatica
46.26. Emanuele Schiavo
46.27. EmergeLab
46.28. Enrico Baccianini
46.29. Enrico Rubboli
46.30. ERANET srl
46.31. Ermelindo Mauriello
46.32. EURECO ON-LINE s.r.l.
46.33. Eurosoft S.a.s.
46.34. EUTNET
46.35. Fabio Pedrazzoli (Bee-side)
46.36. Faglioni Giovanni
46.37. Fioravanti Ivan
46.38. Francesco Mauri
46.39. Francesco Patamia
46.40. GeA Software
46.41. Giometti Rodolfo
46.42. Giovanni Meneghetti
46.43. Giuseppe Augiero
46.44. Giuseppe Sacco Consulting
46.45. Graziano Previato
46.46. Griseri Giovanni
46.47. High Production Software S.r.l.
46.48. hi-net srl
46.49. Imola informatica
46.50. InfoTecna
46.51. ing. Francesco Schibuola
46.52. iXenia s.r.l.
46.53. K Group srl
46.54. Leonardo Buffa
46.55. Linux Consultants
46.56. LinuxON
46.57. linuxteam
46.58. LiveNET S.r.l.
46.59. LogX S.r.l.
46.60. Loredana Vassallo
46.61. Luca Perugini
46.62. Luciano Apolito
46.63. Madeinlinux
46.64. Marco Ermini
46.65. Marco Iannacone
46.66. Marco Marocco
46.67. Marco Michelino
46.68. matrix srl
46.69. Mauro Barella
46.71. Minzoni Manuel
46.72. MonteSolutions
46.74. Network Italia S.p.A.
46.75. Nextgen S.r.l.
46.76. Nextrem s.r.l.
46.77. Panservice
46.78. Paolo Correnti
46.79. Parapaponzi & Ciapa webgraphics
46.80. PROFUSO
46.81. Prometeo Informatica
46.82. Prometeus di Michele Sciabarr�
46.83. PROSA Progettazione Sviluppo Aperto
46.84. Saverio Salatino
46.85. SCC
46.86. Sidom s.a.s.
46.87. S.N.S
46.88. Speca Emanuele
46.89. Starcks
46.90. Stefano Cislaghi
46.91. Studio C
46.92. Studio LEADER Pro
46.93. suddenthinks
46.94. SysNet
46.95. Systex Srl
46.96. Telnet S.p.A.
46.97. TeXne s.r.l.
46.98. Vieri Giovambattista
46.99. Vulcania System snc
46.100. WNET S.r.l.
46.101. Yacme SRL
46.102. Yacme SRL
47. Jamaica
47.1. Streamlines LLC
48. Jordan
48.1. Abu-Ghazaleh & Co. Consulting (AGCON)
48.2. freesoft
49. Japan
49.1. iGeek, Inc.
49.2. M&T
50. Kenya
50.1. KG & Associates
50.2. Lanet Media
51. Korea, Republic of
51.1. Asia-Pacific Institute of Technology
51.2. Turbolinux
52. Kuwait
52.1. Internet Universe - Network Solutions
52.2. Kuwait Linux
52.3. Pheye Technologique, GT&C
53. Lebanon
53.1. Gnosys, sarl
54. Sri Lanka
54.1. Adapt Information Technologies
54.2. KLEN Technologies
55. Lesotho
55.1. Adelfang Computing Internet
56. Latin America
57. Luxembourg
57.1. BeezNest
57.2. Conostix
57.3. MBH Informatique Libre & Technologies
58. Latvia
58.1. DZOKA
58.2. IT Centrs, SIA
58.3. XP Linux
58.4. YurY
59. Morocco
59.1. ANNOUR Technologies
59.2. Kosinux
60. Monaco
60.1. Cryptomate
61. Macedonia
61.1. Solar1s Consulting
62. Mongolia
62.1. Andytumen
63. Macau
63.1. The Birdsky
64. Malta
64.1. Endeavour
65. Mexico
65.1. 0 ViewPoint Computadoras
65.2. APTI Soluciones - Asesores Profesionales en Tecnolog�as de la Informaci�n
65.4. Consultores Linux
65.5. Daniel Ramirez
65.6. eMonterrey
65.7. Grupo de Desarrollo Alternativo
65.8. Gustavo Cavazos
65.9. ITNova Solutions
65.10. Linux Empresarial
65.11. Linux Michoacan OpenSource
65.12. Linux OpenSource (mr)
65.13. Mayan Open Source Enterprises
65.15. Open Consulting Mexico
65.16. Open|Sys
65.17. Servicios en Alta Tecnologia
65.18. Servicios en Alta Tecnologia
65.19. Sistemas Jaguar
65.20. Soluciones Linux
65.21. Step One Group
65.22. System Solutions
65.23. Virtual.Net
66. Malaysia
66.1. 5 Linux Monsters
66.2. Byte Craft Sdn. Bhd.
66.3. Celestra Network Communications S B
66.4. Electronic Facilitators Sdn Bhd
66.5. Future Trend Computer Services
66.6. Interplay Sdn Bhd
66.7. JirehBuilderZ Web Techs Snd. Bhd.
66.8. LinkWright
66.9. Linux Resources Sdn. Bhd.
66.12. MajorLinux Consulting
66.13. Malaysian ICT Special Interest Group (MySiG)
66.14. metSYSTEMS Malaysia
66.15. MindAssociates Software (M) Sdn Bhd
66.16. Nadi Computer Service Sdn.Bhd.
66.17. Open Source Systems Sdn. Bhd.
66.18. Regional Information Systems Sdn Bhd
66.20. SANDS Consulting Sdn Bhd
66.21. Solinique Sdn Bhd
66.22. Spinx Technology Resources Sdn Bhd
66.23. Synchroweb
67. Nigeria
67.2. CyberAge Systems
67.3. Intelligent Network Services Limited
67.4. Karvis Technologies
67.5. NG-Linux
67.6. SDC Consultancy Services Ltd
67.7. Tranter International Ltd
67.8. (VITECH) Vision Integrated Technology Ltd.
67.9. Xyvio
68. Netherlands
68.1. 1Translucent Systems
68.2. Above I.T. B.V.
68.3. acis
68.4. ACIS
68.5. Advantage Linux Services
68.6. Amaze Internet Services
68.7. AT Consultancy
68.8. BitWizard B.V.
68.9. CistroN
68.10. CMG
68.11. ComCare IT BV
68.12. Competa IT BV
68.13. ConnecTUX
68.14. DataServe
68.15. Ease Automation B.V.
68.16. Exa-Omicron
68.17. FreeICT
68.18. HintTech BV
68.19. If Then Fi
68.20. Imtech ICT Technical Systems
68.21. ITems consultancy bv
68.22. Kelter Consulancy
68.23. Kobayashi Software
68.24. La cocina de la informacion
68.25. LANIS
68.26. Le Reseau netwerksystemen BV
68.28. Linulex
68.29. Linvision
68.30. Maatwerk automatisering
68.31. Manna Automatisering
68.32. Maxfort Consultancy
68.33. Meerschap B.V.
68.34. MESA Consulting B.v.
68.35. MSC.Software
68.36. Murphy Software BV
68.37. NedPlanet BV
68.38. Netland Internet Services
68.39. NFG Net Facilities Group BV
68.40. OpenBizz BV
68.41. OpenCare
68.42. Penguin Systems
68.43. Pitron
68.44. Resturp
68.45. Romme SE
68.46. Romme Software Engineering
68.47. Root Systems
68.48. Root Systems Linux Solutions
68.49. Sierhuis Digital Solutions
68.50. Snow BV
68.51. S&R Solutions
68.52. Stone IT Services BV
68.53. Systemhouse Mobach bv
68.55. Tukcedo Services
68.56. Van Berkel IT
68.57. Viddel Network Solutions
68.58. X OS Experts in Open Systems BV
68.59. X/OS Experts in Open Systems B.V.
68.60. ZXP
69. Norway
69.1. AQS AS
69.2. Cumulus IT AS
69.3. David J. M. Karlsen
69.5. Dr. Linux
69.6. dynamikk
69.7. Fibula AS
69.8. Initio IT-losninger
69.9. Karlsbakk Consulting
69.10. Lars Kristian Klykken
69.11. Linpro AS
69.12. LinTech AS
69.13. Linux Communications AS
69.14. Meulie .net
69.15. Nixia
69.16. Nostdal
70. Unlisted Country
70.1. Cybernetrics and Systems Co. Ltd.
70.2. L and L Develo Oy
71. Nepal
71.1. Hemanta Sharma
71.3. Total Quality Solution & Research Center
72. New Zealand
72.1. Asterisk
72.2. Bellamy Consulting Limited
72.3. Catalyst IT Ltd
72.4. Commercial IT Services
72.5. DIgital Objects Ltd
72.6. DOUNSIX Systems Ltd
72.7. Egressive Limited
72.8. FFF Managed Technology Ltd.
72.9. Hamish MacEwan
72.10. iOpen Technologies Ltd.
72.11. Moebius Systems
72.12. Organisation X
72.13. SWONS (Simplified Web and Online Network Solutions)
72.14. Tasman Bay OpenSource Services
72.15. Transparent Systems
72.16. treshna Enterprises Ltd
72.17. treshna Enterprises Ltd
73. Panama
73.1. eSolutions for All
74. Peru
74.1. Geffrey Vel�squez Torres
74.2. Marco De La Torre Ugarte
74.4. Sinux S.A.C.
74.5. Virtual Orbis SRL
75. Philippines
75.1. Bluepoint Institute of Higher Technology Foundation
75.2. Business Developers, Inc.
75.3. Cerberus Technologies
75.4. Condo Consultants
75.5. CSCI
75.6. Druid Consulting Company
75.7. Fujitsu Philippines, Inc.
75.8. Home Grown (group of individual)
75.9. LinuxAsia Consulting Co.
75.10. MISTRONIX Information Technology & Computing
75.11. Net Effect Enterprises
75.12. Q Linux Solutions, Inc.
75.13. Sigmasoft Solution
76. Pakistan
76.1. Ants Consulting Pakistan
76.2. ANTS Private Limited
76.3. Atlantic 2000 Micro Care
76.5. Cogilent Solutions
76.6. GeneralSoft (Pvt) Ltd
76.7. iinix Solutions
76.8. Instec Digital Systems
76.9. KICS
76.10. LinuxChamp
76.11. MalhiNet
76.12. Network consultants
76.13. ORBIT (ORganization of Business Information Technology)
76.14. PING Systems
76.15. Slam Innovative World
76.17. Whc Digital World
77. Poland
77.1. Adam Skora
77.2. AM ELEKTRONIK s. c.
77.3. Bat.Net
77.4. COIUP InfoTax Sp. z o.o.
77.5. CYBER Service
77.6. Demo S.C.
77.7. Emit Sp z o.o.
77.8. Internet Designers s.c.
77.9. Linko
77.10. M.Lew Labs
77.11. PENTACO
77.12. RG Studio
77.13. Softomat Ltd.
78. Puerto Rico
78.2. Antilles Systems and Solutions, Inc.
78.3. Centrix Corporation
78.4. EZ Networks
78.5. InfoGerencia Consulting Group
78.6. Linux Enterprise Solutions of Puerto Rico
78.7. MER Distributors, Inc.
78.8. Softronex Corporation
79. Portugal
79.1. Business Lab Portugal
79.2. Bynet - Inform�tica e Telecomunica��es,Lda
79.3. COM2000 Sistemas Informaticos
79.4. Eurotux Inform�tica, SA
79.5. Foxfire , Linux/Unix development
79.6. Ingensoft (Pvt.) Ltd.
79.7. IT Wiz
79.8. Jo�o Teles, Consultadoria em Tecnologias de Informa��o
79.9. Jorge Costa
79.10. Liber4e
79.11. MemoSis, Sistemas Inform�ticos, Lda.
79.12. M�quina de Estados, Lda
79.13. Oliveira Sim�es,Lda
79.14. Rui Moreira
79.16. Tecnolink, Lda
79.17. Xafiz
80. Romania
80.2. Galuna S.R.L.
80.3. guzu 21
80.4. Modulo Consulting
80.5. noLimits Technologies s.r.l.
80.6. Octavian POPESCU
80.7. Penguin Consulting
80.8. Savu Sorin Adrian
80.9. S.C. Global TerraSoft S.R.L.
80.10. TCX Consultancy
80.11. Uplink Inovations
81. Russian Federation
81.1. EuroSoftware Quality Consulting
81.2. CIVT KSU
81.3. CSA
81.4. Gercon
81.5. Linkey itsp
81.6. Linux Consulting Club Sofia
81.7. P.A.L.
81.8. Terra Informatica Ltd.
82. Saudi Arabia
82.1. Individual
82.2. Muhammad Al-Ismail
82.3. Remal Al Sharq IT
82.4. Saudi Arab Projects Co. Ltd.
82.5. Symatech
83. Sweden
83.1. AB Thinkware
83.2. Cendio Systems AB
83.3. Coresys AB
83.4. Crepido Systems AB
83.5. Datalink Nordic AB
83.6. eCopilot AB
83.7. Edgewall Research & Development
83.8. Edvina AB
83.9. Ernst Consulting
83.10. Ewing Data AB
83.11. Hypergene AB
83.12. Kreawit KB
83.13. LinuxCentralen
83.14. Linux Konsult Nordic AB
83.15. Mandator Sverige AB
83.16. Nohup AB
83.17. Omicron Software Systems AB
83.18. Opaque Solutions
83.20. Progenitor
83.21. QiValue Technologies AB
83.22. Raditex AB
83.23. SNT
83.24. South Pole AB
83.25. Tarkus
83.26. Textalk AB
83.27. TheLogic
83.28. TheLogic
83.29. Tritech
83.30. Xantus AB
84. Singapore
84.1. Adeptiva Linux Pte Ltd
84.2. Aeon Xe Technology Pte Ltd
84.3. Aeon/Xe Technology Pte Ltd
84.4. Alinux Consultancy
84.5. Aurallix Pte Ltd
84.6. Cyrus Technology Private Limited
84.7. Ernitech Consulting
84.8. Hexwork Linux Singapore
84.9. Innove Technologies Pte Ltd
84.10. MajorLinux Computing
84.11. NetPhuture.Com (Pte) Ltd
84.12. Nexgenus Technologies
84.13. NovaGlobal Pte Ltd
84.14. OPENiX Pte Ltd
84.15. SgLinuxOS Singapore
84.16. SWsoft
84.17. Webworks Pte Ltd
85. Slovenia
85.1. AZA
85.2. iga Kranjec
85.3. Sinonim
86. Slovakia
86.1. IstroSystem spol. s r.o.
86.2. Juraj Bednar
86.3. Platon SDG
87. Suriname
87.2. PAMSHE LINUX Systems
88. El Salvador
88.1. Blue Cacao Technologies, S.A. de C.V.
89. Togo
89.1. HTP Communication Pvt. Ltd
90. Thailand
90.1. Green Path Technologies Co.,LTD.
90.2. MajorLinux Consulting
90.3. Software Advanced Solutions Co., Ltd.
91. Turkey
91.1. 3a Bilgisayar & Elektronik
91.3. Bimel Ltd.
91.5. Enter Bilgisayar Sistemleri Tic. A.Ş
91.6. Gelecek A.S
91.7. KareNet Information Management System
91.8. Linux Teknoloji
91.9. Megatek Communuications Systems
91.10. Penguen Bilgisayar
91.11. simya consulting
91.12. Yazilim Vadisi LTD
91.13. YORE Elektronik Yayimcilik A.S.
92. Trinidad and Tobago
92.1. NOVUS Limited
92.2. Openbox Solutions
93. Taiwan, Republic of China
93.1. CyberAtlantis Consulting
93.2. Daniel C. Chao
94. Tanzania, United Republic of
94.1. Masike Linux
95. Uganda
95.1. SimpleSoft Systems LTD
96. United States
96.1. Not Specified
96.2. Alaska
96.3. Alabama
96.4. Arkansas
96.5. Arizona
96.6. California
96.7. Colorado
96.8. Connecticut
96.9. District of Columbia
96.10. Delaware
96.11. Florida
96.12. Georgia
96.13. Hawaii
96.14. Iowa
96.15. Idaho
96.16. Illinois
96.17. Indiana
96.18. Kansas
96.19. Kentucky
96.20. Louisiana
96.21. Massachusetts
96.22. Maryland
96.23. Maine
96.24. Michigan
96.25. Minnesota
96.26. Missouri
96.27. Mississippi
96.28. Montana
96.29. North Carolina
96.30. Nebraska
96.31. New Hampshire
96.32. New Jersey
96.33. New Mexico
96.34. Not Specified
96.35. Nevada
96.36. New York
96.37. Ohio
96.38. Oklahoma
96.39. Oregon
96.40. Pennsylvania
96.41. Puerto Rico
96.42. Rhode Island
96.43. South Carolina
96.44. South Dakota
96.45. Tennessee
96.46. Texas
96.47. Utah
96.48. Virginia
96.49. Vermont
96.50. Washington
96.51. Wisconsin
96.52. West Virginia
96.53. Wyoming
97. Uruguay
97.1. Enrique M. Verdes Miguez
97.2. factoruno
98. Venezuela
98.1. Alfredo Rahn
98.2. Alvaro Jesus Hernandez Arteaga
98.3. Carlos Molina Garcia
98.4. Computaci�n UNIXSUPPORT, C.A.
98.5. Corporacion Sosa & Sosa C.A.
98.6. Corvus Latinoamerica
98.7. Ernesto Hern�ndez-Novich
98.8. Gregory Aular Franco
98.9. Grupo INABOX,C.A.
98.10. Grupo Otama
98.11. Ing. Diego A. Puertas Fernandez
98.12. Ing. Ernesto Crespo
98.13. Juan Luis Zamora
98.14. Leonardo Balliache
98.15. Linux Sistemas, C.A.
98.16. Lopez Gustavo
98.17. neotech systems gw
98.18. Servicios InterHoster S.R.L.
98.19. Servicios y Soluciones ML, C.A.
98.20. SuSE Linux, C.A.
98.21. Team DC
99. Viet Nam
99.1. ALinux Vietnam
99.2. CFTD NET
99.3. Nam Ltd
99.4. Photonics Ltd.
99.5. VISC Ltd.
100. Yugoslavia
100.1. Aleksandar B. Samardzic
100.2. Berislav Todorovic
100.3. DrenikNet
100.4. Filip Brcic
100.5. MGNet
100.6. Mod Perl Development
100.7. Qube
100.8. YUBC System
101. South Africa
101.1. AfriBiz
101.2. C Merce Technologies
101.3. cOcO Technologies cc
101.4. Computer Development Systems
101.5. DcData
101.6. Exotic Systems
101.7. Init Systems
101.8. IT Integrated Systems
101.9. ITNS
101.10. Ku-Shan Technologies
101.11. Laurence Baldwin
101.12. Linux Consultants
101.13. Menusis Technologies
101.14. Nirph Digital
101.15. Nirph Digital
101.16. Obsidian Systems
101.17. OSS Africa
101.18. Paul Sheer Consulting IT Services
101.19. Qualica Technologies (Pty) Ltd
101.20. SevenC Computing
101.21. ST Solutions
101.22. Tangent Systems
101.23. The squid
101.24. Unibase Solutions
101.25. Unibase Solutions
101.26. Unibase Solutions
101.27. UnixHed Consulting
101.28. VPNS
102. Zimbabwe
102.1. Learntech Enterprises
102.2. The Source

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