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Many users of MySQL have contributed very useful support tools and add-ons.
A list of some software available from the MySQL website (or any mirror) is shown here.
You can also visit our online listing of MySQL-related software at http://www.mysql.com/portal/software/. The community facilities there also allow for your input!
If you want to build MySQL support for the Perl DBI
interface, you should fetch the Data-Dumper
, and
files and install them.
See section Perl Installation Comments.
Note: The programs listed here can be freely downloaded and used. They are copyrighted by their respective owners. Please see individual product documentation for more details on licensing and terms. MySQL AB assumes no liability for the correctness of the information in this chapter or for the proper operation of the programs listed herein.
B.1 APIs | ||
B.2 Converters | ||
B.3 Utilities |
, by bsilva@umesd.k12.or.us.
, a library to use MySQL with Delphi.
that allows guile
to interact with SQL
databases. By Hal Roberts.
. mydsn should be used to build
and remove the DSN registry file for the MyODBC driver in Coldfusion
applications. By Miguel Angel Solórzano.
that can be loaded runtime.
output to a C header file. By Harry Brueckner,
, except that this
one is fully configurable, has better type conversion (including
detection of TIMESTAMP
fields), provides warnings and suggestions
while converting, quotes all special characters in text and
binary data, and so on. It will also convert to mSQL
v1 and v2,
and is free of charge for anyone. See
http://www.cynergi.net/exportsql/ for the latest version. By
Pedro Freire, support@cynergi.net. Note: Doesn't work with
. By Brian Andrews.
Note: Doesn't work with Access2!
. That is,
it imports data from MySQL into an Access database via
ODBC. This is very handy when combined with exportsql, because it lets you
use Access for all DB design and administration, and synchronise with
your actual MySQL server either way. Free of charge. See
http://www.netdive.com/freebies/importsql/ for any updates.
Created by Laurent Bossavit of NetDIVE.
Note: doesn't work with Access2!
to MySQL. By alfred@sb.net
and pipe it to
the sqlconv.pl
script. The script will parse through the
output and will rearrange the fields so they can be
inserted into a new table. An example is when you want to create a new
table for a different site you are working on, but the table is just a
bit different (that is - fields in different order, etc.).
By Steve Shreeve.
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