
(no version information, might be only in CVS)

db2_exec --  Executes an SQL statement directly


resource db2_exec ( resource connection, string statement [, array options] )

Prepares and executes an SQL statement.

If you plan to interpolate PHP variables into the SQL statement, understand that this is one of the more common security exposures. Consider calling db2_prepare() to prepare an SQL statement with parameter markers for input values. Then you can call db2_execute() to pass in the input values and avoid SQL injection attacks.

If you plan to repeatedly issue the same SQL statement with different parameters, consider calling db2_prepare() and db2_execute() to enable the database server to reuse its access plan and increase the efficiency of your database access.

Parameter Liste


A valid database connection resource variable as returned from db2_connect() or db2_pconnect().


An SQL statement. The statement cannot contain any parameter markers.


An associative array containing statement options. You can use this parameter to request a scrollable cursor on database servers that support this functionality.


Passing the DB2_FORWARD_ONLY value requests a forward-only cursor for this SQL statement. This is the default type of cursor, and it is supported by all database servers. It is also much faster than a scrollable cursor.

Passing the DB2_SCROLLABLE value requests a scrollable cursor for this SQL statement. This type of cursor enables you to fetch rows non-sequentially from the database server. However, it is only supported by DB2 servers, and is much slower than forward-only cursors.


Returns a statement resource if the SQL statement was issued successfully, or FALSE if the database failed to execute the SQL statement.


Beispiel 1. Creating a table with db2_exec()

The following example uses db2_exec() to issue a set of DDL statements in the process of creating a table.

= db2_connect($database, $user, $password);

// Create the test table
$create = 'CREATE TABLE animals (id INTEGER, breed VARCHAR(32),
    name CHAR(16), weight DECIMAL(7,2))'
$result = db2_exec($conn, $create);
if (
$result) {
"Successfully created the table.\n";

// Populate the test table
$animals = array(
0, 'cat', 'Pook', 3.2),
1, 'dog', 'Peaches', 12.3),
2, 'horse', 'Smarty', 350.0),
3, 'gold fish', 'Bubbles', 0.1),
4, 'budgerigar', 'Gizmo', 0.2),
5, 'goat', 'Rickety Ride', 9.7),
6, 'llama', 'Sweater', 150)

foreach (
$animals as $animal) {
$rc = db2_exec($conn, "INSERT INTO animals (id, breed, name, weight)
      VALUES ('
{$animal[0]}', '{$animal[1]}', '{$animal[2]}', {$animal[3]})");
    if (
$rc) {
"Insert... ";

Das oben gezeigte Beispiel erzeugt folgende Ausgabe:

Successfully created the table.
Insert... Insert... Insert... Insert... Insert... Insert... Insert...

Beispiel 2. Executing a SELECT statement with a scrollable cursor

The following example demonstrates how to request a scrollable cursor for an SQL statement issued by db2_exec().

= db2_connect($database, $user, $password);
$sql = "SELECT name FROM animals
    WHERE weight < 10.0
    ORDER BY name"
if (
$conn) {
$stmt = db2_exec($conn, $sql, array('cursor' => DB2_SCROLLABLE));
    while (
$row = db2_fetch_array($stmt)) {

Das oben gezeigte Beispiel erzeugt folgende Ausgabe:

Rickety Ride

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Generated: 2007-01-26 17:57:13