
(no version information, might be only in CVS)

Memcache::flush -- Flush all existing items at the server


bool Memcache::flush ( void )

Memcache::flush() immediately invalidates all existing items. Memcache::flush() doesn't actually free any resources, it only marks all the items as expired, so occupied memory will be overwritten by new items.

Also you can use memcache_flush() function. See example below.

Beispiel 1. Memcache::flush() example


/* procedural API */
$memcache_obj = memcache_connect('memcache_host', 11211);


/* OO API */

$memcache_obj = new Memcache;
$memcache_obj->connect('memcache_host', 11211);



Gibt bei Erfolg TRUE zurück, im Fehlerfall FALSE.

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Generated: 2007-01-26 17:57:03